SamyPesse / aphrodite-to-jss

Aphrodite compatible API on top of JSS.

Repository from Github https://github.comSamyPesse/aphrodite-to-jssRepository from Github https://github.comSamyPesse/aphrodite-to-jss


This module is an Aphrodite compatible API on top of JSS. This module is designed to easily switch a large code base from Aphrodite to JSS.

The main difference with aphrodite-jss is that all of the Aphrodite styles are compatible (ex: css supports nested arrays, etc).

When using webpack or babel, you can resolve aphrodite to aphrodite-to-jss.


$ yarn add aphrodite-to-jss


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { StyleSheet, css } from 'aphrodite-to-jss';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    '@global': {
        html: {
            textAlign: 'center'

    red: {
        backgroundColor: 'red'

    blue: {
        backgroundColor: 'blue'

    blink: {
        animationName: {
            from: { opacity: 0 },
            to: { opacity: 1 }
        animationDuration: '3s, 1200ms',
        animationIterationCount: 'infinite'

    hover: {
        ':hover': {
            backgroundColor: 'red'

    small: {
        '@media (max-width: 600px)': {
            backgroundColor: 'red',

class App extends Component {
    render() {
        return <div>
            <span className={css(}>
                This is red.
            <span className={css(styles.hover)}>
                This turns red on hover.
            <span className={css(styles.small)}>
                This turns red when the browser is less than 600px width.
            <span className={css(,}>
                This is blue.
            <span className={css(, styles.blink)}>
                This is blue and blink
            <span className={css(, styles.small)}>
                This is blue and turns red when the browser is less than
                600px width.

render(document.body, <App />, () => {
    // Difference with aphrodite: need to be called once in the browser
    // When not using SSR: it can be called next to StyleSheet.create (before rendering)


aphrodite-to-jss takes the best of both worlds:

From Aphrodite:

  • Pseudo-elements: { ':hover': { color: 'red' } }
  • Animation keyframes: { animation: { from: { opacity: 0 }, to: { opacity: 1} } }
  • SSR autoprefixing: properties are auto-prefixed during server and browser rendering
  • Array fallback: { display: ['-webkit-flex', 'flex'] }
  • Font-face: not currently implemented, but could be (PR welcomed !)

From JSS:

  • JSS pseudo-elements: { '&:hover': { color: 'red' } }
  • JSS nested: { '& .button': { color: 'red' } }
  • JSS global styles: { '@global': { html: { color: 'black' } } }
  • Sorted properties: { margin: 2, marginRight: 4 }

Server-side rendering (SSR)

The API for SSR differs with the one from Aphrodite.

There are 2 functions you need to know - StyleSheet.toCSSString() and StyleSheet.reset(). As aphrodite-to-jss can not know that you are rendering a new response, you need to get the CSS (StyleSheet.toCSSString()) when you are processing the first request and call StyleSheet.reset() to clean up the styles your current page has produced.

import { StyleSheet } from 'aphrodite-jss'

function render() {
  const app = renderApp()
  const css = StyleSheet.toCSSString()

  return `


StyleSheet.create(styles: StyleDefinitions): { [key: string]: SheetDefinition }

Create function doesn't render anything, it just registers your styles.
Returns an object, where key names correspond the original styles object.

StyleSheet.attach(): void

This method should be called in the browse, it attach the <style> element from JSS to the DOM.

When doing SSR, it should be called after the first rendering (after removing the server rendered <style> element).

When not doing SSR, it can be called when importing aphrodite-to-jss.

StyleSheet.toCSSString(): string

For SSR, it returns the CSS string that have be injected.

StyleSheet.reset(): string

Reset the injected styles.

css(...styles: SheetDefinitions): string

Injects a previously defined rule to the dom. This is done in sync, so the CSS rule is immediately available.

Returns a class name.




Aphrodite compatible API on top of JSS.


Language:TypeScript 100.0%