SamuelrgIT / Shroot-finder

This is a SQL Finder, Admin panel finder, and http analyzer that goes basses off requests. Made from 100% golang

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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This is a SQL Finder, Admin panel finder that goes basses off requests. Made from 100% golang

what can it do?

Schrute-Finder is a simple tool to gather information on a URL like finding adming panels and attempting to sql inject a header and test if the header respond ok indicating it may be injectable

how to 

[*] Value usage
go run main.go |-s|-a|-w true   -t <target> 
--------------------------- Basic value usages-------------
-> go run main.go -s true -a true -w true -t | this will get server information, enable admin and SQL testing, then take the HTML and save it 
-> Enable a host -> -a|-s|-w -> true -> -s true same with the others 
Usage :> go run main.go -t
  -a string
    	admin panel finding to enable this type true or | go run main.go -a true
  -f string
    	Eliminate time waiting process to prevent False positives -> this could return false results
  -h	Print usage instructions
  -s string
    	SQL vulnerability parsing to enable this type true or | go run main.go -s true 
  -t string
    	target URL
  -v	Print version
  -w string
    	Write HTML data to a file | to enable this use -w true

install the f*king go-lang first

go get


This is a SQL Finder, Admin panel finder, and http analyzer that goes basses off requests. Made from 100% golang

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%