Samuele-Barbiera / kubb-gen-scribe-cli

a cli made to scaffold a basic structure for the kubb SDKs, managing the BE api calls fully typesafe with a swagger yaml file

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comSamuele-Barbiera/kubb-gen-scribe-cliRepository from Github https://github.comSamuele-Barbiera/kubb-gen-scribe-cli


To scaffold the SDKs in your react / tsx app using gen-sdk-api, run any of the following four commands and answer the command prompt questions:


npm gen-sdk-api@latest


yarn gen-sdk-api


pnpm gen-sdk-api@latest


bun gen-sdk-api@latest


The script logs a message to the console when the OpenAPI document has been processed and saved.

Please note that this is a basic outline and you may need to add more details depending on the complexity of your project and the level of detail you want to provide in your documentation.

Determining workspace structure

Deciding which workspace information to collect

Gathering workspace info

Sure, here's a continuation of the based on the information from index.ts:


The gen-sdk-api CLI tool is used to generate SDKs for your React/TypeScript application based on a Swagger/OpenAPI document. Here's a step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Selecting the lib / framework: The CLI prompts you to select the configuration you'd like to use. You can choose between React and Angular. This selection determines the lib / framework that will be connected to the kubb config.
? What lib / framework you are currently using? (Use arrow keys)
❯ React
  1. Selecting the Configuration: The CLI prompts you to select the configuration you'd like to use. You can choose Tanstack-query. This selection determines the packages that will be installed and the files and folders that will be imported.
? What kubb config would you like to use? (Use arrow keys)
❯ Tanstack-query
  1. Installing Dependencies: If you haven't set the noInstall flag, the CLI will prompt you to confirm whether it should run the installation command for you. This step installs the necessary dependencies for the selected configuration.
? Should we run 'npm install' for you? (Y/n)
  1. Providing the Swagger File Path: You're then asked to provide the path to your Swagger file. This file will be used to generate the SDKs.
? Indicate the path to the swagger file (./api.yaml)
  1. Processing the Swagger File: The CLI runs a schema validation for the provided Swagger file. It logs a message to the console when the OpenAPI document has been processed and saved.

  2. Generating the SDKs: Finally, the CLI runs the kubbGenCommand to generate the code based on the provided Swagger file and the selected configuration.

If everything is successful, the process exits with code 0. If an error occurs during any of these steps, it's logged to the console and the process exits with code 1.


Please see the for details on how to contribute to this project.


This project is licensed under the terms of the license provided in


a cli made to scaffold a basic structure for the kubb SDKs, managing the BE api calls fully typesafe with a swagger yaml file

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 90.0%Language:JavaScript 10.0%