SamuelCody / photoroom-sdk

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Photoroom API wrapper for Node.js

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The Photoroom API is quite easy to use, but it can always be easier with this package.


Get your API key from the Photoroom website.


npm i photoroom-sdk


import Photoroom from "photoroom-sdk";

const photoroom = new Photoroom("INSERT PHOTOROOM API KEY");


The parameters you can pass to the removeBgFromImage function are::

Only the image_file_b64 property is mandatory.

Property Type Description
image_file_b64 "string" The image you want to remove the background from, in base 64 format.
format "png", "jpg" Format of the returned image. Can be "png" (default) or "jpg" (faster, no transparency).
channels "rgba", "alpha" If "rgba" (default), a composed image is returned. If "alpha", a black and white image is returned, where white is the foreground and black is the background.
bg_color "string" Can be a "hex code" ("#FF00FF") or a "HTML" color (red, green, etc...). If provided, sets the background of the returned image to the specified color.
size "preview", "medium", "hd", "full" Will resize the output to the specified size. Can be "preview" (0.25 Megapixels), "medium" (1.5 MP), "hd" (4 MP) or "full" (36 MP, can be slower for large images). Useful for mobile apps that need smaller images. Setting preview uses 0.25 credit.
crop "boolean" If "true", the image returned is cropped to the cutout border. Transparent pixels are removed from the border.

And the output properties are:

Property Type Description
result_b64 string Base64 encoded representation of the returned image.

How to use removeBgFromImage

Remove the background from a local file.

import Photoroom from "photoroom-sdk";
import fs from "fs";

const photoroom = new Photoroom("INSERT PHOTOROOM API KEY");

// convert your image file to base 64 format
const convertImgFileToBase64 = fs.readFileSync(

// pass it through photoroom.removeBgFromImage
    image_file_b64: convertImgFileToBase64,
    bg_color: "blue",
  .then((res) => {
    // do whatever you want with the base64 image response
    // like saving into a file
      res.result_b64.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, ""),
      { encoding: "base64" }

Or have a cool async/await example:

import Photoroom from "photoroom-sdk";
import fs from "fs";

const photoroom = new Photoroom("INSERT PHOTOROOM API KEY");

// convert your image file to base 64 format
const convertImgFileToBase64 = fs.readFileSync(

// pass it through photoroom.removeBgFromImage
const response = await photoroom.removeBgFromImage({
  image_file_b64: convertImgFileToBase64,
  bg_color: "blue",

// do whatever you want with the base64 image response
// like saving into a file
  response.result_b64.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, ""),
  { encoding: "base64" }



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