Samuel-Maddock / federated-boosted-dp-trees

Code for the CCS'22 paper "Federated Boosted Decision Trees with Differential Privacy"

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Code for "Federated Boosted Decision Trees with Differential Privacy"

This repository contains code for the ACM CCS'22 paper "Federated Boosted Decision Trees with Differential Privacy"


If the code and/or paper contained in this repository were useful to you please consider citing this work:

  author = {Maddock, Samuel and Cormode, Graham and Wang, Tianhao and Maple, Carsten and Jha, Somesh}, 
  title = {Federated Boosted Decision Trees with Differential Privacy}, 
  year = {2022}, 
  isbn = {9781450394505}, 
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security}, 
  address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3548606.3560687}, 
  pages = {2249–2263}, 
  location = {Los Angeles, CA, USA}, series = {CCS '22} 


The simplest way to install an environment for this repo is to use conda and pip install -r ./requirements.txt

conda create -n "fedxgb" python=3.9 
conda activate fedxgb
pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Alternatively pip install the required libraries

pip install pandas seaborn matplotlib scikit-learn numpy xgboost xxhash bitarray scipy numba statsmodels six progressbar autodp fast_histogram notebook pmlb


Datasets need to be downloaded and placed in the data directory in the root of the repo. We use the following datasets in our experiments:

  • Credit 1 - should be placed under data/Kaggle Credit 1/credit1-training.csv
  • Credit 2 - should be placed under data/UCI Credit 2/UCI_Credit_Card.csv
  • Adult - should be placed under data/UCI Adult/
  • Bank - should be placed under data/UCI Bank Marketing/bank-full.csv
  • Nomao - should be placed under data/UCI Nomao/
  • Higgs - The Higgs dataset should be subsampled to n=200,000 samples and placed under data/UCI Higgs/higgs-200k.csv


The code is split into two components

  • experiments - Main code for running and plotting experiments
  • federated_gbdt - Main code for the private GBDT model

In order to generate plots and tables as in the paper see "Paper Experiments, Plots and Tables"

In order to replicate the main figures in the paper from scratch see "Replication Instructions"


The code structure of federated_gbdt is as follows

  • core
    • binning- Contains quantile sketching code from the FEVERLESS implementation
    • dp_multiq - Central DP quantiles (not used in the paper)
    • moments_accountant - TensorFlow Privacy Moments Accountant (RDP)
    • pure_ldp - LDP protocols (not used in paper)
    • - Contains constants for the FEVERLESS implementation of quantile sketching
    • - Contains loss functions used in the GBDT algorithm
    • - Debugging code
  • models
    • base
      • - Numba functions for computing GBDT quantities needed for training (split scores and weights)
      • - Contains the DecisionNode class reworked from the FEVERLESS implementation
      • - Base tree implementation
    • gbdt
      • components
        • Contains the IndexSampler class for managing which features/observations a tree uses during training
        • - Contains the PrivacyAccountant class for managing DP during training of a PrivateGBDT
        • - Manages the various methods used to propose split candidates
        • - Monitors various training statistics of a PrivateGBDT model
      • - Contains the main model PrivateGBDT class

Paper Experiments, Plots and Table

All experiments were run with 15 iterations in total (3 iterations over 5 different train-test sets). Code for running experiments is in experiments/paper_experiments/ and plotting in experiments/paper_experiments/

Running paper experiments

The following methods in corresponds to the following figures/tables in the paper:

  • dp_split_methods_with_update_methods - Corresponds to Figure 1 (a,b,c), Table 2 in main text, Figures 7-10 and Table 7-10 in the Appendix
  • dp_split_candidate_methods - Corresponds to Figure 2 (a,b,c) and Table 3 in the main text, Figure 11 and 12 in the Appendix
  • feature_interaction_experiments - Corresponds to Figure 3
  • dp_ebm_experiment - Corresponds to Figure 4
  • batched_boosting - Corresponds to Figure 5, Table 4 in the main text, Figure 13 in the Appendix
  • comparisons_experiment - Corresponds to Figure 6 in the main text and Figures 14-18 in the Appendix

Generating paper plots

Paper figures are already generated and present in experiments/paper_experiments/paper_plots.

To recreate paper plots download the paper results from here and place them in experiments/paper_experiments/paper_results/

The following methods in can be used to plot results:

  • plot_split_methods_with_update - Figure 1(a,b,c)
  • plot_split_candidates - Figure 2(a,b,c)
  • plot_k_way - Figure 3
  • plot_ebm_comparisons - Figure 4
  • plot_low_eps_bb - Figure 5
  • plot_comparisons - Figure 6
  • table_split_methods_with_update - Table 2
  • table_split_candidate - Table 3
  • table_low_eps_bb - Table 4

Plots and tables for the Appendix can be recreated via the following (although they are already present in paper_plots):

  • appendix_E1 - Figures 7,8,9,10
  • appendix_E1_table - Tables 7,8,9,10
  • appendix_E2 - Figure 12
  • appendix_E3 - Not used
  • appendix_E4 - Figure 13
  • appendix_E5- Figure 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

Replication Instructions

As all experiments in the paper are repeated over 15 iterations they are usually too slow to replicate within a reasonable amount of time. Instead, to approximately replicate an experiment from scratch additional code is provided in experiments/replication_experiments

Most replication experiments have been designed to run on the Credit 1 dataset in ~30 minutes depending on the device. Most run on a single test-train seed over 3 iterations.

The experiments/replication_experiments folder already contains data and replication figures for all 6 figures presented in the main paper. You can also generate appendix figures by changing the dataset that is passed to ExperimentReplicator.replicate

Benchmark replication times performed on a Macbook Air M1:

  • Fig 1(a,b,c): ~30 mins
  • Fig 2(a,b,c): ~45 mins
  • Fig 3: ~20 mins
  • Fig 4: ~10 mins
  • Fig 5: ~15 mins
  • Fig 6: ~25 mins


  • Part of the tree structure implementation is based on the public implementation of the FEVERLESS paper with code repo here
  • We make extensive use of the autodp library by Yu-Xiang Wang to verify privacy accounting
  • Part of our privacy accountant uses the RDP moments accountant implemented in TensorFlow Privacy
  • Although not used in our paper, the code supports using datasets from the Penn Machine Learning Benchmarks (PMLB)


Code for the CCS'22 paper "Federated Boosted Decision Trees with Differential Privacy"


Language:Python 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%