SamsungLabs / fbrs_interactive_segmentation

[CVPR2020] f-BRS: Rethinking Backpropagating Refinement for Interactive Segmentation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AlexRMU opened this issue · comments


"work on its" own means that the user does not have to download or transfer anything, but just click and everything will work

The error is caused by the incorrect path to datasets, you are trying to evaluate the model on GrabCut dataset and download it to ./datasets/InteractiveSegmentation/GrabCut (relative to folder with cloned repository), but the default path in config.yml is absolute, starting from root: /datasets/InteractiveSegmentation/GrabCut. You just have to change the default path and everything will work.


Launched your colab. An error appears at the very beginning:

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-0bc6b562c85d> in <module>()
     12 sys.path.insert(0, '..')
---> 13 from isegm.utils import vis, exp
     15 from isegm.inference import utils

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'isegm'

And: cfg = exp.load_config_file('../config.yml', return_edict=True)
You refer to config.yml, but it is not downloaded! Why? Then I added to the beginning:

!git clone
%cd fbrs_interactive_segmentation
!pip install -r requirements.txt

It work. Further
In Init model:

AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-95614765a096> in <module>()
      4 MODEL_THRESH = 0.49
----> 6 checkpoint_path = utils.find_checkpoint(cfg.INTERACTIVE_MODELS_PATH, 'resnet34_dh128_sbd')
      7 model = utils.load_is_model(checkpoint_path, device)

/content/fbrs_interactive_segmentation/isegm/inference/ in find_checkpoint(weights_folder, checkpoint_name)
    171     else:
    172         model_checkpoints = list(model_folder.rglob(f'{checkpoint_name}*.pth'))
--> 173         assert len(model_checkpoints) == 1
    174         checkpoint_path = model_checkpoints[0]


Where /weights? Where /experiments? After all, how are you going to do Interactive Segmentation on the command line? (Mb

Launched your colab.

We didn't provide any colab. We provided only a Jupyter notebook, which we ran on a local machine with Jupyter server.

Where /weights? Where /experiments? After all, how are you going to do Interactive Segmentation on the command line? (Mb

You can find information about how to set up paths in the Evaluation and Training sections of our readme. Please read README carefully before asking questions.