SampsonM / tnsrflw

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo is the result and the learnings found from following the Tensorflow.js tutorials/ guides

Preparing data for training

This step involves converting the data to tensors using the best practices of shuffling and normalising the data

Step 1 - getData()

Retrieve your data from desired source and clean your data to map and filter only the required data for your model

Step 2 - run()

In this function we can see the getData function is invoked and the tfvis library is used to render a graph to display our data as a scatterplot

We can then run this function on DOMContentLoaded

 const data = await getData();
  const values = => ({
    x: d.horsepower,
    y: d.mpg

    { name: "Horsepower v MPG" },
    { values },
      xLabel: "Horsepower",
      yLabel: "MPG",
      height: 300

  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", run);

Step 3 - createModel()

Here we define the model architecture, this determines which functions/ algorithm will run when the model is excecuting.

With neural networks the algorithm is a set of layers of nuerons with weights that govern there output, it is the training part which the model then learns the best values for the weights.

The sequential model inputs flow straight to its output

  const model = tf.sequential(); 

We can then add tf.layers that are the building blocks of each model and will perform some operation to transform its input to its output

A tf.layers.dense multiplies its input by a matrix (called weights) then adds a number (called the bias), with the first layer we need to define the input shape.

  // Add a single hidden layer
  model.add(tf.layers.dense({inputShape: [1], units: 1, useBias: true}));
  // Add an output layer
  model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 1, useBias: true}));

Step 5 - convertToTensor()

Next we must convert our data into tensors, this takes a little more work than previous steps so a little more explanation is needed

5.1 Wrap All calculations in a tf.tidy function to ensure clean up of all intermediate tensors

5.2 Shuffle the data using the tf.util.shuffle function, this shuffles your data using the Fisher-Yates algorithm

5.3 Map over data to pull only relevant data-points and input array into tf.tensord2d to create tensors

  const inputs = => d.horsepower)
  const labels = => d.mpg);

One tensor is created for the inputs and one is created for the labels which are the outputs of the model

  const inputTensor = tf.tensor2d(inputs, [inputs.length, 1]);
  const labelTensor = tf.tensor2d(labels, [labels.length, 1]);

The shape of the tensor will be:

[num_examples, num_features_per_example]
[ [1], [2], [3] ]

And we can see we have inputs.length of examples or 3, and the number of input features, in our case 1 which is the horsepower

5.4 Normalising the data into 0-1 range using the min-max scaling is important because the internals of many ML models built with TF are designed to work with smaller numbers and typically generate better results

  • common ranges are 0 to 1 or -1 to 1
  const inputMax = inputTensor.max();
  const inputMin = inputTensor.min();  

  const normalizedInputs = inputTensor.sub(inputMin).div(inputMax.sub(inputMin));

5.5 Return the input and label min & max values and the normalised tensors in an object

Step 6 - trainModel()

Best practices

  • Always shuffle your data before handing it to the training algorithms

    • Shuffling prevents the model learning patterns from the structure of our data and not the data it self and prevents sensitivity to the structure subgroups
  • You should always consider normalising your data before training

    • Normalising your data after turning it into tensors allows the use of vectorisation in TF to do the min-max scaling operations without the need to write explicit for loops



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