Samback / WTMyo-Objective-C-iOS

Wrapper under MYO SDK for iOS

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#WTMyo-Objective-C-iOS Wrapper under MYO SDK for iOS. You need to add the Myo.framework to the project - Download page

##Info This is a small wrapper that help you to controll gestures from Myo Device. Observer functionality was change to delegates.

####WTMyoDelegate #####Standart delegate methods

- (void)didConnectDevice:(NSDictionary *)userInfo;
- (void)didDisconnectDevice:(NSDictionary *)userInfo;
- (void)didUnlockDevice:(NSDictionary *)userInfo;
- (void)didLockDevice:(NSDictionary *)userInfo;
- (void)didSyncArmWithEvent:(TLMArmSyncEvent *)armEvent;
- (void)didUnsyncArm:(NSDictionary *)userInfo;
- (void)didReceiveOrientationEvent:(TLMOrientationEvent *)orientationEvent;
- (void)didReceiveAccelerometerEvent:(TLMAccelerometerEvent *)accelerometerEvent;
- (void)didReceiveGyroscopeEvent:(TLMGyroscopeEvent *)gyroscopeEvent;
- (void)didReceivePoseChange:(TLMPose *)pose;

#####Custom delegate methods

- (void)patternWasDetected:(WTPosePattern *)pattern;

#####Steps to work It's additional steps to basic steps that you can find at

self.wtmyo = [[WTMyo alloc] initWithDelegate:self];

#####Create patterns and add them to instance

NSArray *pattern =  @[@(TLMPoseTypeDoubleTap), @(TLMPoseTypeFingersSpread)];
NSArray *pattern1 =  @[@(TLMPoseTypeFingersSpread), @(TLMPoseTypeDoubleTap) ];
WTPosePattern *wtPattern = [WTPosePattern posePatternFromPoseList:pattern withName:@"Cool gesture"];
WTPosePattern *wtPattern1 = [WTPosePattern posePatternFromPoseList:pattern1 withName:@"Cool gesture1"];
[self.wtmyo addPosePattern:wtPattern];
[self.wtmyo addPosePattern:wtPattern1];

#####Remove pattern

[self.wtmyo removePosePatternByName:@"Cool gesture1"];

#####Start, stop and check is pose patterns on

[self.wtmyo startTrackPosePatterns];
[self.wtmyo stopTrackPosePatterns];
[self.wtmyo isPosePatternsTrackNow];

#####More information Myo - More bindings -


Wrapper under MYO SDK for iOS


Language:Objective-C 69.2%Language:C 30.8%