SamKemp / mindcraft

My fork of kolbytn's mindcraft repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mindcraft 🧠⛏️

Crafting minds for Minecraft with Language Models and Mineflayer!


This project allows an AI model to write/execute code on your computer that may be insecure, dangerous, and vulnerable to injection attacks on public servers. Code writing is disabled by default, you can enable it by setting allow_insecure_coding to true in settings.json. Enable only on local or private servers, never on public servers. Ye be warned.



Rename keys.example.json to keys.json and fill in the desired API keys

API Config Variable Example Model name Docs
OpenAI OPENAI_API_KEY gpt-3.5-turbo docs
Google GEMINI_API_KEY gemini-pro docs
Anthropic ANTHROPIC_API_KEY claude-3-haiku-20240307 docs
Replicate REPLICATE_API_KEY meta/meta-llama-3-70b-instruct docs
Ollama (local) n/a llama3 docs

If you use Ollama, to install the models used by default (generation and embedding), execute the following terminal command: ollama pull llama3 && ollama pull nomic-embed-text

Then, clone/download this repository

Run npm install

Install the minecraft version specified in settings.json, currently supports up to 1.20.4

Running Locally

Start a minecraft world and open it to LAN on localhost port 55916

Run node main.js

You can configure the agent's name, model, and prompts in their profile like andy.json.

You can configure project details in settings.json.

Online Servers

To connect to online servers your bot will need an official Microsoft/Minecraft account. You can use your own personal one, but will need another account if you want to connect with it. Here is an example settings for this:

    "minecraft_version": "1.20.4",
    "host": "111.222.333.444",
    "port": 55920,
    "auth": "microsoft",
    "allow_insecure_coding": false

‼️Make sure your bot's name in the profile.json matches the account name! Otherwise the bot will spam talk to itself.

Bot Profiles

Bot profiles are json files (such as andy.json) that define:

  1. Bot backend LLMs to use for chat and embeddings.
  2. Prompts used to influence the bot's behavior.
  3. Examples help the bot perform tasks.

Model Specifications

LLM backends can be specified as simply as "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo". However, for both the chat model and the embedding model, the bot profile can specify the below attributes:

"model": {
  "api": "openai",
  "url": "",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"
"embedding": {
  "api": "openai",
  "url": "",
  "model": "text-embedding-ada-002"

The model parameter accepts either a string or object. If a string, it should specify the model to be used. The api and url will be assumed. If an object, the api field must be specified. Each api has a default model and url, so those fields are optional.

If the embedding field is not specified, then it will use the default embedding method for the chat model's api (Note that anthropic has no embedding model). The embedding parameter can also be a string or object. If a string, it should specify the embedding api and the default model and url will be used. If a valid embedding is not specified and cannot be assumed, then word overlap will be used to retrieve examples instead.

Thus, all the below specifications are equivalent to the above example:

"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"
"model": {
  "api": "openai"
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"embedding": "openai"


Some of the node modules that we depend on have bugs in them. To add a patch, change your local node module file and run npx patch-package [package-name]


My fork of kolbytn's mindcraft repository

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%