Salmandabbakuti / Smartcontract-Upgrades

This is all about upgrading, Pausing, resuming contracts

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Code here :



1.gochain Web3 library

curl -LSs | sh

2.go chain wallet and some GO-tokens.

go to store your privatekey somewhere else safe.

to do any operations on network, you need tokens. so to get testnet tokens join their official telegram channel and ask them to provide some testnet tokens by pasting your previously created wallet address**


1. Environment Setup

a). Export private key to your Env variables (require root user previligies $ sudo -s )

export WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY=0x...

Check if your private key is correct by this command $ web3 myaddress if this command returns your wallet address that you created as in pre-requisites, you good to go.

b). Use the GoChain testnet

$ export WEB3_NETWORK=testnet

2. Deploying an Upgradeable Contract

a). Compiling Contract

copy greeter.sol file to your directory, then

web3 contract build greeter.sol

b). Deploying contract

web3 contract deploy --upgradeable greeter.bin

once deployed, you will get contract address, add this address to env. variables

export WEB3_ADDRESS=0x...

deploying upgradable contract actually deploy two contracts original greeter contract and proxy contract which will redircts calls to upgraded contract. check where our proxy contract redirecting calls and storage by this command

web3 contract target

c). Writing Transaction (Greeting)

web3 contract call --abi greeter.abi --function greet "Hi Guys, This is from Old Contract"

once transaction went through, we succesfully added greeting on blockchain. but still there is no option to return added greeting. thats why we are trying to upgrade contract with new code.

3. Upgrading Contract

Copy greeterv2.sol to your directory and then,

web3 contract build greeterv2.sol
web3 contract deploy greeter.bin

Once deployed, it will return newly deployed contract address. using this address we can upgraade our old contract greeter to greeterv2 run below command to finish one last step

 web3 contract upgrade --to 0x.... //add your newly deployed contract address here

now you can call new contract with the same address. in old contract, there is no getter function for variable , in new contract, we added getter function getGreeting. now you can call it using this command.

web3 contract call --abi greeter.abi --function getGreeting

>Hi Guys, This is from Old Contract 

4. Pausing and Resuming Contracts

Upgradeable contracts also include the ability to pause & resume execution. if you found any bug in contract you can simply pause (or resume later) the contract with these commands

web3 contract pause
web3 contract resume

once paused, if you call function you will get unmarshalling empty output string till you resume contract.


Salman Dabbakuti


This is all about upgrading, Pausing, resuming contracts

License:Eclipse Public License 2.0