Salmakis / AutoFlatCopy

Portable tool for "Sync" contents form folder a to to folder b while flatting the directory structure

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AutoFlatCopy is a small Windows tool wich resides in the Taskbar.

It will permamently synchronize files from a Source Folder to a Target Folder, but insteald of just Copying the files it will flatten the File names and put them all into the root directiory of the Destination Folder.

Flatten means the directories will be replaced with name prefixes separated by a dot.

I Created this Tool to edit my Code for the game, this game not allows the source code to contain any subfolders, but specially in bigger code projects i prefer to keep the stuff organized in folders.

original file path new file path
sourceDir/notherfile.txt targetDir/notherfile.txt
sourceDir/folder/file1.txt targetDir/folder.file1.txt
sourceDir/folder/file2.png targetDir/folder.file2.png
sourceDir/folder/subfolderA/someFile.png targetDir/folder.subfolderA.someFile.png
sourceDir/folder/subfolderB/someExtraFile.png targetDir/folder.subfolderB.someExtraFile.png


Just Download Here!

The zip file just contains AutoFlatCopy.exe wich you can just copy to somewhere and use. No need to install or something. You may need .net Framework 4

Example image


Left: source folder

Right: destination folder


Just start AutoFlatCopy.exe it will create a new Icon in your Toolbar. Rightclick it, chose Configuration and make your setup (Source folder, destination folder, file filter etc)

If you want you can create a clean "Initial status" with the button "FlatCopy All Now", but care, this will delete all file from the target directory, and then copy all files from the source dir and its subdirectiories over with the given rules.

Rightclick the icon again and chose Start Sync to start the sync The icon turns somewhat green to indicate that its active.

Now can you edit your files in the source directory and they will be (flat)copied into the destination directory.

Rightclick the icon once again and chose Stop Sync to stop this behavior. The icon turns somewhat red to indicate that its inactive.

Example video how it looks like


A known problem

Deleteing a folder with contents can actually confuse the tool, so if you want to delete a folder, try to delete all files first and then the folder.

Using with IDE´s

Some programms, mostly IDE´s got a function to rename the old file, create a new one and then rename it

JetBrains IDE´s:

(IDE´s like Webstorm, IntelliJ, PhpStorm etc.) If you keep getting a file like "file.js__JB__ or something then you need to disable the option "Save Write" in the settings.


Its written quick & dirty in 1 day with C# by using WinForms. I tested it so far and use it alot and never had any problems besindes of the ones above.


Portable tool for "Sync" contents form folder a to to folder b while flatting the directory structure


Language:C# 100.0%