SalifT / commerce_multistore

Drupal Commerce 2.x contrib module. Implements multiple stores/store owners model (marketplace).

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Commerce Multistore

Implements Drupal Commerce 2.x multiple stores/store owners model.

Note: this module is also a part of the Drupal Commerce install profile (includes Drupal 8.4.x, Commerce 8.4-2.x, Color Field and Devel+kint+webprofiler modules).


  1. Install the module or entire Drupal site with the module.

  2. Assign Multistore owner role to a user.

  3. Log in as the Multistore owner user and visit user/ID/stores tab.

  4. Press the Add store button and add a store of any type available.

  5. After the store is created visit store/ID/products tab.

  6. Press the Add product button and add a couple of products of any type available.

  7. Revisit the user/ID/stores tab and click the store created earlier.

  8. On a store/ID view page click the store/ID/products tab.

  9. Administer the products created earlier.

  10. Repeat 2-9 steps for another user and notice that the new user has no access to the stores and edit access to the products created by previous user.


The Multistore owner by default has the same permissions as an anonymous user plus permissions to create and update own stores of any type. You may add Delete own stores permission for an owner if you need it in your set up. Additionally, the owner has permissions to create, update and delete own products of any type. You can edit these and other permissions for the Multistore owner role by visiting admin/people/permissions/commerce_multistore_owner page. There is a Multistore admin role which can be assigned to perform this and other administering tasks. This role has the same permissions as the user 1 except users, text formats, modules, themes handling and some other important tasks. Think of it as a subadmin of the site.

Multistore admin can put a limit on a number of stores of a certain store type allowed to create by any of the Multistore owner. This limit could be overriden for an individual store owner on a store edit page. Also, you may change these values programmatically:

// Get, set store limit on a store type. Works globally for all owners of the
// given store type. Note that this setting does not have effect on stores of
// the type belonging to a particular store owner if the limit is overriden on
// any of their store forms.
/** @var \Drupal\commerce_multistore\StoreStorageInterface $storage */
$storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('commerce_store');
/** @var \Drupal\commerce_store\Entity\StoreTypeInterface $store_type */
$limit = $storage->getStoreLimit($store_type->id());
$storage->setStoreLimit($store_type->id(), $limit + 2);
// Get, set store type limit for a store owner. Overrides global limit for the
// store type.
/** @var \Drupal\commerce_multistore\StoreStorageInterface $storage */
$storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('commerce_store');
/** @var \Drupal\commerce_store\Entity\StoreInterface $store */
$uid = $store->getOwnerId();
$store_type = $store->bundle();
$limit = $storage->getStoreLimit($store_type, $uid);
$storage->setStoreLimit($store_type, $limit[$uid] + 1, $uid);

If a Multistore owner attempts to add a product without any store created then they will be presented with the same message as the site's admin:

Products can't be created until a store has been added. Add a new store.

The difference is that when clicking the link admin will see a list of all store types but a regular Multistore owner will see only those which are enabled to create for this role. If Multistore owner is not allowed to create any store then they'll see a friendly message instead of Access is denied one.

Furthermore, if the current user is admin and for some reasons there is no one store type available then a message with a link to create store type will be shown.

On product creation form a user can only assign it to own stores. At the same time admin can add a product to any store. Though visiting user/ID/stores tab the admin will see only those stores which are owned by them. So, to administer the site's stores they still require to visit admin/commerce/config/stores page.

A regular Multistore owner cannot change their store owner or product author. Only an admin has access to the Owner and Author autocompletion fields.

The module implements different default store model. Each regular store owner has their own default store in the set of stores belonging to them. At the same time the currently existing on the Drupal Commerce module default store is dimmed as the global default store. So, there might be infinite number of default stores on a site. Just one rule to remember: in the context of a store owner the default store will always be resolved to their own default store, in the context of admin to the global one.

Admin can administer global default store and owners default stores and store type limits on the admin/commerce/config/stores page. There is Mark as default store VBO action which being used by admin will change global default store and Mark as owner default store action which change an owner default store. Owners can administer their default store on the user/ID/stores page. Also, there is a link on a non-default store form page leading to the current owner's or a global default store in the case when the form is viewed by admin.

The purpose of a default store is explained for an owner in the description of the appropriate field on a store form. The possible use case of an owner's default store for developers might be seen in the file. When a product is viewed then the default store is always resolved to a product creator's store. Remember, with the current module products can be created and added only to stores owned by this product creator. The filtering of an owner's stores happens on the query level using the current user as the context from which to load available stores for a user having "view own commerce_store" permission. Obviously, that in the context of admin all the stores will be fetched as admins have the "administer commerce_store" permission. To fetch only a particular store owner stores in the context of admin you may try this:

/** @var \Drupal\commerce_multistore\StoreStorageInterface $storage */
$storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('commerce_store');

/** @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $owner */
$owner_stores = $storage->loadMultiple($ids = NULL, $owner);

Or, you may fetch a default store for this particular owner:

/** @var \Drupal\commerce_multistore\StoreStorageInterface $storage */
$storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('commerce_store');

/** @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $owner */
$owner_default_store = $storage->loadDefault($owner);

Another useful feature of the module is that when a customer adds products from different stores to a Shopping cart and then goes to cart page then they will be presented with multiple carts each having the involved store name as the title.

Also, though not strictly related to the multistore model, yet the following might be found as useful features:

When viewing a product, a store, a user, a node or a profile you may use the viewed entity owner ID as contextual filter for a view to display any of the entities owned by them. Currently, it is only feasible for node and user entities. For example, you may display some fields of the products and profiles in the sidebar when viewing any of the entities listed above. How to:

Create a view listing of some of the entities in the block and then add this entity contextual filter. In the section WHEN THE FILTER VALUE IS NOT IN THE URL of the filter settings choose Provide default value radio button and then choose User ID from route context in the dropdown. Do not forget to check the Also look for a node and use the node author checkbox.

One more feature is that the variations might be filtered by price in views, both internally and with exposed to a customer filter. For example, you may list variations of all products on a page and then filter them to display only those which have less than 9.99 price value.

When viewing this module's Administer Stores view on a store/ID/products page you'll find the variations next to a product title displayed in a compact details element which could be expanded to view a list of the product variations. That is another feature added by the module. You may use this configurable referenced entity labels' list formatter for any similar entity, not only product variation labels. Both in views and entity display view.

The same with Supported billing countries and Tax registrations countries which are being set more than one displayed in a compact details element for each store on the Administer Stores and user/ID/stores pages.

A regular Multistore owner can see product type labels on a products view page which is not possible for now on the latest Drupal Commerce version.

Obviously that for fully functional multistore site a lot features have to be added. For example, the task of making possible for a regular store owner to administer their own payment gateways. That work is started in the Commerce Store Gateways module. If you install the module then the store/ID/payment-gateways tab will be displayed in a row of a store administering tabs.


Drupal Commerce 2.x contrib module. Implements multiple stores/store owners model (marketplace).


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