SalahSajar / FakeHulu

Hulu clone that i Developed from scratch in one and a half month Just to make the best Hulu clone as a challenge.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comSalahSajar/FakeHuluRepository from Github https://github.comSalahSajar/FakeHulu


Welcome to FakeHulu that i Developed in one and a half month Using Next.js and Sass.

This is the Best Hulu Clone out there in my opinion.(If you disagree than Fight Me)

This is an image

In FakeHulu you can sign up to explore the movies and tv Shows (Don's use email or password you may regret losing)

This is an image

You can also view Movies and Tv Shows Details and Recommendations

This is an image


Hulu clone that i Developed from scratch in one and a half month Just to make the best Hulu clone as a challenge.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.9%Language:CSS 0.1%