SalahHamza / orbitkit

Orbitkit is a monorepo starterkit aiming to be the foundation you build your next startup or big idea upon.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




OrbitKit is built on top of a very opinionated tech stack, which might not work for every use case/business idea. I offer monorepo architecture consulting or even building something completely custom for you, if you are interested be sure to DM me on X/Twitter.


  • Next.js Web Application
  • Astro Marketing Website
  • File uploads with Uploadthing
  • ESM Only
  • TailwindCSS
  • Lucia auth with github and google oauth
  • Typesafe Next.js routes
  • Drizzle ORM
  • Neon DB
  • Rate limiting with Unkey
  • Dedicated ShadCN UI primitives package
  • Storybook
  • Radix UI Colors for auto light/dark mode
  • Next themes
  • Shared tooling configuration
  • Spell checking
  • Markdown linting
  • Turborepo task caching
  • ESLint for linting
  • Prettier formatting
  • Commitlint with pnpm scopes
  • Lint staged
  • Husky
  • TS Reset for the applications
  • Packages built using tsup
  • Changesets for versioning

And much more!


OrbitKit is not in final form yet, there are many things in the plans for it but it is in a usable primitive state. Checkout the Roadmap for more info.

Getting Started


# Clone the repository
git clone --depth 1 <your-project-name>

#or use
npx degit ixahmedxi/orbitkit

# Install Dependencies
pnpm install

Reset changelog and versions

When you first clone the repository, you should reset the changelog and versions to start fresh. You can do so by running the following commands:

# Reset changelog - this will remove all the files in the packages
pnpm reset:changelog

# Reset package versions - this will reset the versions of all the packages to 0.1.0
pnpm reset:versions

Setting up environment variables

Checkout the .env.example file inside the apps/web directory for the environment variables you need to get the project running. You should create an UploadThing and Neon DB accounts and copy the environment variables from their dashboard to a .env.local file in apps/web.

You will also need to create a GitHub Oauth token as well as for Google authentication as well.

Explaining the architecture

  • apps folder is where the applications live like the Next.js app and the Astrojs marketing website
  • packages/config folder is where packages that configure and ship out presets of tool configuration throughout the monorepo, for example packages/config/tailwind that ships out a tailwind configuration preset as the single source of truth.
  • packages hosts all of the packages that get consumed by applications, for example packages/ui that ships all of Shadcn UI primitives, some packages are internal (meaning they do not have a build step like the auth package) and some do like the ui package.
  • There is a core package, packages/core that is empty and should be used for business logic sharing.
  • packages/env is where we define the environment variable types, it is an internal package that gets away with not needing a build step by using jiti to run the typescript file in the next.config.js file of the web application.

Running the project

# Dev
pnpm turbo dev

# Build
pnpm turbo build

# Typecheck
pnpm turbo typecheck

# Lint
pnpm turbo lint

# Storybook
pnpm turbo storybook

# Start apps in production mode
pnpm turbo start

If you're familiar with turborepo / pnpm workspaces, running stuff around this repo will be easy to figure out.

Commit messages

This project uses commitlint to enforce a commit message convention. The commit message should be structured as follows:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

To make this easier, you can use the pnpm commit command to create a commit message. This will open up a prompt for you to enter the type, scope, and subject of the commit message.

Through husky and the prepare-commit-msg hook, any git commit commands will automatically be intercepted and processed by commitizen and commitlint. If a commit message does not follow the convention, the commit will be rejected. If no commit message is provided, commitizen will open up a prompt for you to enter the commit message.


If you have any issues / problems with using OrbitKit, be sure to create an issue here on GitHub and I will help you out with it.


Orbitkit is a monorepo starterkit aiming to be the foundation you build your next startup or big idea upon.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 77.2%Language:MDX 18.5%Language:JavaScript 2.2%Language:Astro 1.8%Language:CSS 0.4%