SalaTzar / stormpath-ruby-cmd-line-tool

Command line utility using the Stormpath Ruby SDK.

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Stormpath Ruby Command Line Utility

This is a command line utility using the Stormpath Ruby SDK to perform the following operations: account/group/directory/application management, simple authentication and basic security workflows (i.e. password reset).


  1. Ruby version 1.9.3 or newer is installed.
  2. Stormpath Ruby SDK is installed. See
  3. A file named is located in a folder called .stormpath in the local home directory. This will be used to retrieve details on the Stormpath client.

Version History

  • Version 1.0: First version with basic functionality for accounts, groups, directories, applications.


The instructions below is the help output from the cmd line utility. Entering ruby stormpath.rb will display the instructions below.

Overview of Commands:
    account list|create|update|delete|find|group-add|send-password-reset|authenticate
    group list|create|delete
    directory list|create|delete
    application list|create|delete

Account Command Details:
    List all accounts in an application: account list -a APPLICATION
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb account list -a ""
    List all accounts in a directory: account list -d DIRECTORY
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb account list -d ""
    List all accounts in a group: account list -g GROUP
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb account list -g ""
    Create an account in a directory: account create -d DIRECTORY -e EMAIL -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -f FIRSTNAME -s SURNAME
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb account create -d "" -e "" -U username -p Password0 -f firstname -s surname
    Update an account by email: account update -a APPLICATION|-d DIRECTORY|-g GROUP -e EMAIL [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-f FIRSTNAME] [-s SURNAME] [-t STATUS]
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb account update -d "" -e "" -u newusername
    Delete an account: account delete -a APPLICATION|-d DIRECTORY|-g GROUP -e EMAIL
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb account delete -d "" -e ""
    Find an account by email: account find -a APPLICATION|-d DIRECTORY|-g GROUP -e EMAIL
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb account find -d "" -e ""
    Add an account by email from a directory|application to a group: account group-add -g GROUP -e EMAIL -a APPLICATION|-d DIRECTORY
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb account group-add -g "" -d "" -e ""
    Send password reset email to an account: account send-password-reset -a APPLICATION -e EMAIL
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb account send-password-reset -a "" -e ""
    Authenticate an account by username and password: account authenticate -a APPLICATION -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb account authenticate -a "" -u myusername -p Password0

Group Command Details:
    List all groups in a directory: group list -d DIRECTORY
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb group list -d ""
    Create a group: group create -d DIRECTORY -n NAME --description DESCRIPTION
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb group create -d "" -n "My Group A" --description "My Group A Descriptioni"
    Delete a group: group delete -d DIRECTORY -g GROUP
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb group delete -d "" -g ""

Directory Command Details:
    List all directories: directory list
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb directory list
    Create a directory: directory create -n NAME --description DESCRIPTION
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb directory create -n "Test Dir A" --description "Test Dir A Desc"
    Delete a directory: directory delete -d DIRECTORY
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb directory delete -d ""

Application Command Details:
    List all applications: application -list
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb application list
    Create an application: application create -n NAME --description DESCRIPTION
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb application create -n "Test App A" --description "Test App A Desc"
    Delete an application: application delete -a APPLICATION
        Example: ruby stormpath.rb application delete -a ""

List of all arguments/options:
    -a, --application APPLICATION    the application href
    -g, --group GROUP                the group href
    -d, --directory DIRECTORY        the directory href
    -n, --name NAME                  the name of the application|directory|group
        --description DESCRIPTION    the description of the application|directory|group
    -e, --email EMAIL                the email
    -u, --username USERNAME          the username
    -p, --password PASSWORD          the password
    -f, --firstname FIRSTNAME        the first name
    -s, --surname SURNAME            the surname
    -t, --status STATUS              THE status of the account; possible values: 'enabled', 'disabled'

Example Usage

List all accounts in a directory


ruby stormpath.rb account list -d ""


Username: e
First name: first
Last name: last
Username: johnsmith
First name: Johnathan
Last name: Smith
Username: username
First name: firstname
Last name: surname

Create an account


 ruby stormpath.rb account create -d "" -e "" -u "username" -p "ABCDabcd0" -f "firstname" -s "surname"


 Account created.


Command line utility using the Stormpath Ruby SDK.