SakhriHoussem / Apache-Spark-Tutorial

a Simple Apache Spark Tutorial

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apache spark tutorial

Learn How Apache Spark Work in Simple Examples

# Apache Spark startup commande

Example1 :

Build a RDD from text file :

val Alice= sc.textFile("file:<file path>/input/Alice.txt")

Count the number of RDD elements :


View the first element of RDD :


Return a new RDD containing only the lines with a specific word :

// get lines with a specific word
val lignes = Alice.filter(line => line.contains("walking"))
// save in folder
val sup = lignes.saveAsTextFile("file:<folder path>/walking")

Count the number of occurrences of a specific word :

// split text on words
val words = Alice.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
// count the number of occurrences of a specific word "was"
words.filter(l => l.contains("was")).count()

Return the largest line in the text:

// get for each line his length
val longueursLignes = => (l.length,l))
// ordered desc by length and get the first (longest)

Show anagram words list :

// transform each line to lowercase and remove character special 
val textPure= => (line.toLowerCase().replace(":"," ").replace("*"," ").replace("/"," ").replace("["," ").replace("]"," ").replace(","," ").replace("\""," ").replace("-"," ").replace("`"," ").replace("'"," ").replace("_"," ").replace(";"," ").replace("."," ").replace("!"," ").replace("?"," ")))
// split text on words
val words = textPure.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
// delete the words double
val word = words.distinct()
// generate (key,word)
val wordl = => (line.toList.sorted,line))
// group words that have the same key
val anag = wordl.reduceByKey((a,b) => if(a.contains(b)) a else a + ", " + b)
// view RDD content
// save in folder
val save = anag.saveAsTextFile("file:<folder path>/anagram")

Example2 :

Build a RDD from text file (twitter compte followed by another compte) :

val Twitter = sc.textFile("file:<folder path>/input/twitter.txt")

Get the number of arcs between twitter uers :


Count the number of Twitter users in this file :

// split text on users
val usersDouble = Twitter.flatMap(line => line.split(" "))
// delete the user ID double
val users = usersDouble.distinct().count()

Get number of follower of each user :

// generate (user ID , 1)
val degres =>(x.split(" ")(0),1))
// reduce by Key
val degre = degres.reduceByKey(_ + _)
// save in folder
val w = degre.saveAsTextFile("file:/home/cloudera/degre")

Get twitter user who has 1000 followers :

// generate (user ID , 1)
val degres =>(x.split(" ")(0),1))
// reduce by Key
val degre = degres.reduceByKey(_ + _)
// filerd users how has 1000 followers
val Filtred = degre.filter{case(x,y)=>y>=1000}
// count users how has 1000 followers
// save users how has 1000 followers
val save = Filtred.saveAsTextFile("file:/home/cloudera/1000")