SaikiranKannaiah436 / Obstacle_Avoidance_AStar

Used Hough Planes to convert 3D obstacles into a 2D grid. Used A Star algorithm to find optimal path from Start point to Goal point. Also planned to incorporate an A-Star algorithm for a 3D point cloud map which we get by running SLAM on Turtlebot in the Robotics Realization Lab, UMD, CP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ENPM 661: Planning for Autonomous Robots
Project - 3
Akshay Bajaj

Directions to Run the program: 
	1 To run the code "python3" and "pygame" must be installed on the PC. 
	2 Copy the astar_ttbot folder in your workspace and build package (using 'catkin_make' command in the workspace directory).
	3 Open a new terminal and go inside astar_ttbot/src directory and type “rosrun map_server map_server rrl_custom_small.yaml” (Let it run in the background). 
	4 Now, open a new terminal and go inside astar_ttbot/src directory and type “python”.


	If you want to generate the mapData that is stored in the file "astar_ttbot/readMap.txt" so do the following.
	- The file is generated by calling a "static_map" service client using the command "rosrun astar_ttbot readMapCpp".
		(NOTE: Make sure readMapCpp is build properly in CMakeLists.txt, as it is not a python file it is a .cpp file)

	In this case the procedure is as follows:-
	1. Follow the first 3 steps mentioned above in the same order. 
	2. Open a new terminal and go inside astar_ttbot/src directory and type “rosrun astar_ttbot readMapCpp”.
	3. Do step 4 (mentioned above).

Understanding the Output:
	- Wait for a while after running the command.
	- The output will comprise of 2 windows.
	- On the terminal in which you ran the command you can see "Final Velocites" and "Final Path Nodes" printed.
	- A new window will appear with the map of freespace and the optimal path between start and goal node. 
	- Screenshots are stored inside "astart_ttbot/output" subfolder.
	- In the output: 
		- "Red" = "Path nodes", 
		- "Black" = "Obstacle space nodes" and "Unmapped nodes"
		- "White" = "Free space" 
		- "Green" = Goal node
		- "Blue" = Start node

Project Details:-
	- I have made a new world in gazebo due the problem with the given map not opening (The given map "rrlab.sdf" is still kept in "astar_ttbot/config" folder, if needed).
	- The world created is saved by the name "custom_map_small" in the 'world' folder (Ignore all other files in the world folder).
	- The world can be opened using the command "gazebo rrl_custom_small", when inside the world directory in the terminal.
	- The map for this world was generated using the command "roslaunch turtlebot_navigation gmapping_demo.launch".
	- Then the map was saved in the folder using the command "rosrun map_server map_saver -f rrl_custom_small". (The command was run when I was inside the astar_ttbot/map directory in the terminal).
	- This generated 2 files in the "astar_ttbot/map" folder named as "rrl_custom_small.yaml" and  "rrl_custom_small.pgm".

Some information about the code and files: 
	- The map is generated using "gmapping" package service which runs SLAM with AMCL at its core.
	- The map nodes are converted into obstacles and non obstacle nodes and all the nodes with "free-space" are stored in "obstaclePoints" list.
	- The code stops when the goal is found or more than 100,000 nodes have been generated (in the "visited" list) or else when "openNodes" list is empty.
	- The algorithm makes sure that it does not copy the same nodes in the "Visited" list.
	- The path is computed and stored in a list "n".
	- The index to parent nodes along with cost are stored in the dictionary "finalTableDict".


Used Hough Planes to convert 3D obstacles into a 2D grid. Used A Star algorithm to find optimal path from Start point to Goal point. Also planned to incorporate an A-Star algorithm for a 3D point cloud map which we get by running SLAM on Turtlebot in the Robotics Realization Lab, UMD, CP

License:MIT License


Language:Python 82.4%Language:CMake 13.3%Language:C++ 4.4%