SaifurShatil / ML-Doctor

Code for ML Doctor

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ML-Doctor Demo Code

arXiv PyTorch

This is the demo code for our USENIX Security 22 paper ML-Doctor: Holistic Risk Assessment of Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models

Building Datasets

We prefer the users could provide the dataloader by themselves. But we show the demo dataloader in the code. Due to the size of the dataset, we won't upload it to github.

For UTKFace, we have two folders downloaded from official website in the UTKFace folder. The first is the "processed" folder which contains three landmark_list files(also can be downloaded from the official website). It is used to get the image name in a fast way because all the features of the images can be achieved from the file names. The second folder is the "raw" folder which contains all the aligned and cropped images.

For CelebA dataset, we have one folder and three files in the "celeba" folder. For the "img_celeba" folder, it contains all the images downloaded from the official website and we align and crop them by ourselves. The others are three files used to get the attributes or file names, named "identity_CelebA.txt", "list_attr_celeba.txt", and "list_eval_partition.txt". The crop center is [89, 121] but it is ok if the users wouldn't like to crop it because we have resize function in the transforms so that it will not affect the input shapes.

For FMNIST and STL10, PyTorch has offered the datasets and they can be easily employed.


Users should install Python3 and PyTorch at first. If you want to train differential privacy shadow models, you should also install opacus. We recommend using conda to install it based on the official documents.

Or directly run pip install -r requirements.txt.


python --attack_type X --dataset_name Y

Attack Type 0 1 2 3
Name MemInf ModInv AttrInf ModSteal

For dataset name, there are 4 datasets in the code, namely CelebA, FMNIST (Fashion-MNIST), STL10, and UTKFace.

For AttrInf, users should provide two attributes in the command line with the format "X_Y" and only CelebA and UTKface contain 2 attributes, e.g. python --attack_type 2 --dataset_name UTKFace --attributes race_gender

For MemInf

We have four modes in this function

Mode 0 1 2 3
Name BlackBox Shadow BlackBox Partial WhiteBox Partial WhiteBox Shadow

When buliding attack dataset

When using mode 0 and mode 3, i.e. having shadow models, users should choose get_attack_dataset_with_shadow function. For the others (mode 1 and mode 2), it should be get_attack_dataset_without_shadow function.

When choosing attack model

When using mode 0, attack_model should be ShadowAttackModel, while PartialAttackModel is attack_model for mode 1 in blackbox. As for whitebox (mode 2 and mode 3), users need to change attack_model to WhiteBoxAttackModel. Users can also define attack models by themselves so we didn't fix the models here.

Note: we have the same ShadowAttackModel and PartialAttackModel in the code.

For ModInv

For Secret Revealer method, users should pre-train an evaluation model with ResNet18 architecture and name it as your model name + "_eval.pth", e.g. "UTKFace_eval.pth" with the same path as target model.

For AttrInf and ModSteal

There are two modes in general, i.e. Partial and Shadow. Users could change the training set in main function


Please cite this paper in your publications if it helps your research:

author = {Yugeng Liu and Rui Wen and Xinlei He and Ahmed Salem and Zhikun Zhang and Michael Backes and Emiliano De Cristofaro and Mario Fritz and Yang Zhang},
title = {{ML-Doctor: Holistic Risk Assessment of Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models}},
booktitle = {{USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security)}},
pages = {4525-4542},
publisher = {USENIX},
year = {2022}


ML-Doctor is freely available for free non-commercial use, and may be redistributed under these conditions. For commercial queries, please drop an e-mail at We will send the detail agreement to you.


Code for ML Doctor

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%