Sahar Abdel Samad's starred repositories


A To-Do app in Javascript that allows users to input their activities for the day, check them off as completed when done, and eliminate from list all the activities completed.



This project is an exercise in active record: model creation and their association. It is a blog app which operates purely from the CLI allowing users to register, then post articles and also comment other user's posts



This is a Ruby on Rails API part of a full-stack project called "Rent me". This project is based on an app to book an appointment to rent a house. You can see different types of houses and you can see the details for each house then you can reserve an appointment to the specific house that you also choose you can see all your reservations on a separate page. The user also can add and delete a house.



An blog app designed to implement authentication systems so users can only access specific areas and view content of a site they are authorized to do so. Users are required to sign-up and log-in before they can create posts and view the name of other post's authors.



This Javascript single-page app is an exercise in Javascript DOM manipulation, objects and classes. It allows the user to input the titles of books in his/her library along with the name of the author.



This is a Ruby on Rails API part of a full-stack project called "RentUrTech" (check the link to the front-end below). The main goal of this project is to provide users with an environment to reserve a specific product for a set amount of time. Thus, in this application users can create an account, can get an authorization token, and can retrieve all or one piece of equipment. They will be required to have an authorization token to manage their own reservations. For creating and destroying equipment, the user needs a proper role. Feel free to take this project and modify it for your own business use!



A how-to on building a basic React-Redux app. The user can deposits or withdraw $100 from a bank account at each click.



A React-Redux app for listing contacts -their name, email and phone number. Includes edit and delete functions.



A simple React app that reads and displays the dummy data contained in a file in the form of an array of objects (this data puports to be the image, title, category, price, and description of menu items). The user can either browse the entire menu or select a specific category of menu items (hard coded || dynamically generated) to browse.



A javascript app where users can input their name and purported current score. It calls an API where said information is saved, for this user and for whatever other users may tap into it.



A React-Redux app that allows for the user to input a book with the information on title, author, and category, posting it to an API. It then fetches and displays info on all books contained in that API. The user can also remove an existing book and its associated info from the list.



A React-Redux app that illustrates simple state-changing actions. The empty fields in the landing page get filled with the app author's information when the user clicks the login button. The color of the page's text can be changed by inputting the name of a color in the bottom field and then clicking the "Change Color" button.



This events management app is an exercise in the main concepts of Associations in Rails. It allows signed-up and logged -in users to create events and invite other users, or enroll in other user's events, as well as to change their mind and cancel the invitation, or cancel their enrollment.



A React-Redux app that fetches information on Rockets and on Missions (supposedly property of SpaceX) from an API. The user can then reserve a rocket or become an active member of a mission. These choices will be displayed on the user's profile page..



A web application where users can create categories with their respective transactions, and see the total amount of each category. Must register before accessing the content.



A single page React app whose main feature is a fully functioning basic calculator as one of it's pages. The manner in which the calculator logic was adapted so that the display of its operations could be handled by React components is significant. The app also features a landing page and a page where the user can read a random math-related quote.



A simple React app that allow the user to fetch reviews from an API, navigate backwards or forwards through the list of these, or opt for a random review to be displayed.



A simple React app that reads and displays the dummy data contained in a file in the form of an array of objects (this data puports to be the photo, name, age and id-number of people whose birthday is today). It also allows for all the information to be cleared away at the click of a button.



A React application that fetches info on tour packages from an API , displays it, allows user to expand on the tour info and clear out the tour info he/she is not interested in it.



This is an API meant to hold all the data for my Portfolio regarding each project I've made. This includes methods for Storing, Deleting and Getting projects. The main goal with this is to facilitate the way I add new projects, separating the front-end logic with the data



A simple App with react.js to print Random of greeting so whatever you refresg you can see Greetings for you.!👋🏻👋🏻
