SagaciousZed / CreeperHeal

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

##  CreeperHeal  ##
## by nitnelave  ##
##  version 5.0  ##


Just drop the CreeperHeal.jar in your plugins folder, and the configuration file will be automatically generated. Or you can download the sample one with explanations on bukkit.


Replacement :

	-explosions : 
		(in seconds) Delay after the explosion before the damage gets repaired (or starts getting repaired for block per block).
	-fire : 
		(in seconds) Delay after a block is destroyed by fire (burnt), before it gets replaced.

block-per-block : 
	-enabled :
		(true or false) Whether the blocks destroyed by the explosions should all pop back at once, or one at a time.
		(in ticks (1/20th of a second)) Delay between each block replacement (ie. set it to 10 for 2 blocks per second)
crack-destroyed-bricks : 
	(true or false) Whether bricks destroyed should be replaced as cracked ones.

	(no, lwc, lockette or all) no: nothing particular. lwc: blocks protected by lwc will not blow up. lockette: blocks protected by lockette will not blow up
	all: no chest (or anything with an inventory) will blow up 

World specific settings :

replace :
	- Creepers : (true or false) replace damage done by creepers exploding.
	- TNT : (true or false) same for TNT.
	- Ghast : (true or false) same for ghast fireballs.
	- Dragons : (true or false) replace damage done by dragons flying through blocks.
	- Magical : (true or false) same for explosions from other sources (other plugins?).
	- Fire : (true or false) replace damage done by fire.
	- Enderman : (true or false) prevent Endermen from picking up blocks.
	- replace-all-TNT-blocks : (true or false) Whether exploding TNT should be replaced or not, giving unlimited TNT to everyone (still experimental, use at your own risk)
	- replace-above-limit-only : (true or false) Replace TNT damage only above the limit defined in replace-limit. Useful for allowing TNT mining, but preserving houses.
	- replace-limit : (0-128) Level above which to replace TNT damage, if replace-above-only is set to true 
	- use-restrict-list : (false, whitelist or blacklist) Set to false to replace all blocks, whitelist to replace only the blocks defined in the whitelist, or blacklist to ignore those defined in the blacklist.
	- restrict-list : (list of block ID separated by commas) whitelist (or blacklist, depending on the setting above)
			For example, to block dirt, all types of wool, normal logs and birch logs : 3, 35, 17:0, 17:2  (with restrict-blocks set to blacklist)
	- repair-time-of-day : Minecraft time of the day at which everything should be healed (-1 to deactivate)
			Sunrise is around 23000, noon 6000, sunset 13000, and midnight 18000. Day (zombies burning) starts at 0.

grief :

	-block : (which actions should be forbidden, unless you have the permission)
		- lava : placing lava from buckets
		- TNT : placing TNT blocks
		- flint-and-steel : setting fire to blocks
		- blacklist : placing any of the blocks of the blacklist
		- spawn-eggs : using a spawn egg to sapwn creatures
	-warn : same thing, but for warnings. Alerts all those who have the right permission (ex: CreeperHeal.warn.lava)
		- lava
		- TNT
		- flint-and-steel
		- blacklist
		- spawn-egg
	-prevent-fire-spread : nerf fire
		- fire : prevent fire from spreading normally
		- lava : prevent lava from setting fire to blocks
	-blacklist : (list of block ID separated by commas) blacklist
			Forbid the placement of these blocks
			For example, to block dirt, all types of wool, normal logs and birch logs : 3, 35, 17:0, 17:2

advanced: (Unless you really need it, don't touch this part)
	- command-alias : This is the command that will be used as the CreeperHeal main command. YOu can change it from ch if it conflicts with other plugins (for example HeroChat)
	- replacement-conflict : if true, the block destroyed in the explosion will replace the new one
		- overwrite : (true or false)
		- drop-overwritten-blocks : (true or false)
	- drop-destroyed-blocks :
		- enabled : (true or false) if you chose not to replace every block, those not replaced will drop according to the percent chance
		- chance : (0 to 100)
	- teleport-when-buried : (true or false) When an entity suffocates because it got caught in an explosion getting replaced, teleport it to the surface
	- verbose-level : (0 to 5) amount of messages posted by the plugin. Recommended is 1.
	- op-have-all-permissions : (true or false) Note : doesn't apply to warnings
	- prevent-block-fall : (true or false) Leave to true for a better replacement of sand and gravel areas
	- distance-near : range (in number of blocks) of the replace-near command
	- lightweight-mode : (true or false) skips some tests... but degrades the quality of leaves and vines replacement


Traps are TNT blocks that are automatically replaced along with their explosion's damage. Thus, the trap is reset. It allows for hidden TNT behind a wall, or pressure plates under the snow... Feel free to experiment!

1. Set up a trap.

Set a TNT block wherever you want. Look at it and type "/ch trap create". You should have sufficient permission for that (either of those nodes : CreeperHeal.* CreeperHeal.trap.* CreeperHeal.trap.create). Now, whenever this block explodes, it will pop back along with the rest of the blocks destroyed. And it is protected from getting destroyed by angry players!

2. Remove a trap.

If you are the owner of a trap, it's simple. Either look at it and type "/ch trap remove" or simply destroy it! You should of course have at least the node CreeperHeal.trap.remove.own, or CreeperHeal.trap.remove.all, or any of the wildcard (*) nodes.
If you're not the owner of the block, same procedure, but not the same permissions. This time you HAVE to have CreeperHeal.trap.remove.all, or any of the wildcard nodes.


    /CreeperHeal (or/ch) is the main command/help menu.
    /ch reload : reloads the config from the file.
    /ch heal (seconds) (world) : Heals all explosions in the last x seconds, or all explosions if not specified. Alias : /ch forceHeal
    /ch healBurnt (seconds) (world): Heal all burnt blocks since x seconds, or all if x is not specified.
    /ch trap (create|delete) : creates/removes a trap (auto-replacing tnt block).
    /ch healNear (someone) : heal all explosions around you (or someone)
    /ch creeper (on|off|time) (world) : toggles the creeper explosion replacement (can be used with on/off)
    /ch TNT (on|off|time) (world) : same thing for TNT
    /ch interval [seconds] : Sets the interval before an explosion is replaced to x seconds
    /ch fire (on|off|time) (world): toggles whether or not to replace fire damage
    /ch burnInterval [seconds] : Sets the interval before a block burnt is replaced
    /ch Ghast (on|off|time) (world): toggle Ghast fireballs explosions replacement
    /ch magical (on|off|time) (world): same thing for "magical" explosions (from other plugins).



Language:Java 100.0%