Safemoon-Protocol / Discord-Bot

SafeMoon's Discord Bot.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Discord Bot 🚀



SafeBot is open source to allow our community to utilize, contribute and improve the experience of the SafeMoon Discord Server. You can also invite SafeBot to your own server, by clicking here.

Feel free to leave a ⭐ to help promote SafeMoon!


Substitute ! in the below commands to be the prefix that is set in config.json.

Command Aliases Permissions Feature
!price !p - Shows the current price of $SAFEMOON from the Dex Guru API (falls back to Pancake if Dex fails)
!price-detailed !pd - Show the statistics of the $SAFEMOON coin
!pricewatch !pw ADMINISTRATOR Set the channel that will receive continuous updates of the $SAFEMOON statistics and price


If you want to run the bot within a containerised environment, this repository is setup to use Docker.


You can add SafeBot to your server by clicking here, otherwise, you can clone this repository and host the bot yourself.

$ git clone

Once you've cloned the repository to your machine or server, you will need to run the below command to grab the dependencies that the bot requires to run.

$ npm install


Copy the config.example.json file within the src/ directory, and rename it to config.json. You can then update the values in the JSON file to your preference. The configuration file should look something like this:

  "token": "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN",
  "prefix": "!",
  "mongoPath": "mongodb://localhost:27017/",
  "contractAddress": "0x8076C74C5e3F5852037F31Ff0093Eeb8c8ADd8D3",
  "bscScanApiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY_GOES_HERE"

To find your bot's token, go to the Discord Developer Portal and create a bot. Copy the token that Discord gives you, and place this inside of your configuration JSON file. You will also need to give your bot on the Developer Portal privileged gateway intents, you can find this on the Bot Settings on the portal.

Configuration Setting Information
token Get this from Discord's Developer Portal
prefix The prefix that will be used by the bot for each command
mongoPath The connection URI for the Mongo database
contractAddress The SafeBot contract address
bscScanApiKey Your generated BscScan API Key from your BscScan account

Running with Docker?

If you're running the SafeBot within a containerised environment such as Docker, ensure that your config.json file references the container name for the mongoPath variable. From the above example, we would rename localhost to db, to match the container name in the docker-compose.yml file.

  "mongoPath": "mongodb://username:password@db:27017/",

There is also a .env.example file that you will need to copy & rename to .env when using Docker.

From the mongoPath above, there is username:password, this should be whatever you set the environment variables of MONGODB_USERNAME and MONGODB_PASSWORD to in the .env file.

You should set the DISCORD_RUNNER variable to either local or shard, depending on your criteria, see below.

Discord Runner Criteria
local If you're running the bot on your local machine or for a small Discord server
shard If you're expecting the bot you're hosting to be on multiple large guilds

If you're running the bot on your local machine or without Docker, you can use the following command to start the bot.

$ npm run start

If you're using Docker & Docker Compose, you can use the following command to start the bot and its services.

$ docker-compose up -d

# To view the logs of the bot, you can use this command
$ docker-compose logs -f bot

Additional Information

There are a few other commands that are baked into the package.json file for convenience. You can find them in the table below.

Command Use Case
npm run start Running the bot on your local machine
npm run shard Running the bot on your local machine, for multiple large guilds
npm run dev:local Run the bot via nodemon, to automatically restart it when files are changed
npm run dev:shard Run the bot via nodemon, to automatically restart it when files are changed
npm run docker:local This command is used by docker-compose.yml. Installs dependencies and then runs the bot without Discord sharding.
npm run docker:shard This command is used by docker-compose.yml. Installs dependencies and then runs the bot with Discord sharding enabled.


Released under the GNU GPL v3 license.


Find the list of ✨ awesome ✨ contributors here. Thank you to all who have contributed to the SafeMoon Discord Bot. 🚀


SafeMoon's Discord Bot.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%