Sacules / Encrypted-Password-Manager

A terminal-based password manager that encrypts your passwords and keeps them on your computer.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Encrypted Password Manager

EPM is a code that lets you create, edit, delete, search, and view passwords and their related information (website, nickname). The information is encrypted in a file on your hard drive and you must use a meta-password to access them. That's the only password you'll need to remember. If you forget it, your file will be unusable. The unprotected text file is sent to trash automatically, but for better security you need to delete it manually, or empty your trash. That's the only password you'll need to remember. If you don't have a password manager, this is a good option. If you already do, make sure you trust the company owning it.

Getting Started

Clone the project and run it using Python.


You need to install ast and pyAesCrypt.

pip install ast

pip install pyAesCrypt

Example Scenarios

1: You want to add a new entry with a randomly generated password.

$ python
What do you want to do?
(A)dd an entry
(E)dit an entry
(D)elete an entry
(S)earch an entry
(V)iew all entries

Enter command: a
Enter password manually? (y/n): n
Identifier (unique value): example_1
Website name or url:
Nickname / Email address:
Desired password length: 7
1: Uppercase
2: 1 + lowercase
3: 2 + numbers
4: 3 + special characters

Desired password strength (1-4): 4
Entry created!
Identifier (unique value): example_1
Website name or url:
Nickname or email address:
Password: Rn4R4;I
Encrypting file...
Enter new main password (!!!DON'T FORGET IT!!!): mainpass
Enter new main password again: mainpass
password_list.txt moved to Trash / Recycling bin.
Delete it and close this window for full protection.

1.5: You want to add a new entry with a manual password.

$ python
What do you want to do?
(A)dd an entry
(E)dit an entry
(D)elete an entry
(S)earch an entry
(V)iew all entries

Enter command: a
Decrypting file...
Enter main password to access encrypted passwords: mainpass
Enter password manually? (y/n): y
Identifier (unique value): example_2
Website name or url:
Nickname / Email address:
Enter password manually: password1234
Entry created!
Identifier (unique value): example_2
Website name or url:
Nickname or email address:
Password: password1234
Encrypting file...
Enter new main password (!!!DON'T FORGET IT!!!): mainpass
Enter new main password again: mainpass
password_list.txt moved to Trash / Recycling bin.
Delete it and close this window for full protection.

2: You want to edit an entry.

$ python
What do you want to do?
(A)dd an entry
(E)dit an entry
(D)elete an entry
(S)earch an entry
(V)iew all entries

Enter command: e
What do you want to edit?
(W)ebsite name or url
(N)ickname or Email address

Edit: p
Decrypting file...
Enter main password to access encrypted passwords: mainpass
Enter password manually? (y/n): n 
Identifier of what you want to edit: example_2
Desired new password length: 7
1: Uppercase
2: 1 + lowercase
3: 2 + numbers
4: 3 + special characters

Desired new password strength (1-4): 4
Password edited!
Identifier (unique value): example_2
Website name or url:
Nickname or email address:
Password: BiN@GH)
Encrypting file...
Enter new main password (!!!DON'T FORGET IT!!!): mainpass
Enter new main password again: mainpass
password_list.txt moved to Trash / Recycling bin.
Delete it and close this window for full protection.

3: You want to search for an entry.

$ python
What do you want to do?
(A)dd an entry
(E)dit an entry
(D)elete an entry
(S)earch an entry
(V)iew all entries

Enter command: s
Decrypting file...
Enter main password to access encrypted passwords: mainpass
Identifier of what you want to search: example_2
Website name or url:
Nickname or email address:
Password: BiN@GH)
Encrypting file...
Enter new main password (!!!DON'T FORGET IT!!!): mainpass
Enter new main password again: mainpass
password_list.txt moved to Trash / Recycling bin.
Delete it and close this window for full protection.

4: You want to view all entries.

$ python
What do you want to do?
(A)dd an entry
(E)dit an entry
(D)elete an entry
(S)earch an entry
(V)iew all entries

Enter command: v
Decrypting file...
Enter main password to access encrypted passwords: mainpass

'Identifier': ['Website', 'Nickname', 'Password']

'example_1': ['', '', 'Rn4R4;I']
'example_2': ['', '', 'BiN@GH)']

Encrypting file...
Enter new main password (!!!DON'T FORGET IT!!!): mainpass
Enter new main password again: mainpass
password_list.txt moved to Trash / Recycling bin.
Delete it and close this window for full protection.
  1. You want to delete an entry.
$ python
What do you want to do?
(A)dd an entry
(E)dit an entry
(D)elete an entry
(S)earch an entry
(V)iew all entries

Enter command: d
Decrypting file...
Enter main password to access encrypted passwords: mainpass
Identifier of what you want to delete: example_1
Entry deleted!
Encrypting file...
Enter new main password (!!!DON'T FORGET IT!!!): mainpass
Enter new main password again: mainpass
password_list.txt moved to Trash / Recycling bin.
Delete it and close this window for full protection.



This project is licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE.MD file for details.


  • Thanks to all those who report bugs and issues and help improve this project.


A terminal-based password manager that encrypts your passwords and keeps them on your computer.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%