Sabri0o / Issue-Tracker

Issue tracker project

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Issue Tracker a Free Code Camp Project

  • You can send a POST request to /api/issues/{projectname} with form data containing the required fields issue_title, issue_text, created_by, and optionally assigned_to and status_text.

  • The POST request to /api/issues/{projectname} will return the created object, and will include all of the submitted fields. Excluded optional fields will be returned as empty strings. Additionally, include created_on (date/time), updated_on (date/time), open (boolean, true for open - default value, false for closed), and _id.

  • If you send a POST request to /api/issues/{projectname} without the required fields, returned will be the error { error: 'required field(s) missing' }

  • You can send a GET request to /api/issues/{projectname} for an array of all issues for that specific projectname, with all the fields present for each issue.

  • You can send a GET request to /api/issues/{projectname} and filter the request by also passing along any field and value as a URL query (ie. /api/issues/{project}?open=false). You can pass one or more field/value pairs at once.

  • You can send a PUT request to /api/issues/{projectname} with an _id and one or more fields to update. On success, the updated_on field should be updated, and returned should be { result: 'successfully updated', '_id': _id }.

  • When the PUT request sent to /api/issues/{projectname} does not include an _id, the return value is { error: 'missing _id' }.

  • When the PUT request sent to /api/issues/{projectname} does not include update fields, the return value is { error: 'no update field(s) sent', '_id': _id }. On any other error, the return value is { error: 'could not update', '_id': _id }.

  • You can send a DELETE request to /api/issues/{projectname} with an _id to delete an issue. If no _id is sent, the return value is { error: 'missing _id' }. On success, the return value is { result: 'successfully deleted', '_id': _id }. On failure, the return value is { error: 'could not delete', '_id': _id }.


  • good resource for updating a subdocument in mongoose:

  • "using the main database for testing purposes is not ideal since we’re polluting the database with test data. Instead, we need to utilize a test database and add a dummy data to it to assert against. To do this, we can use the beforeEach() and afterEach() hooks - which, as the names suggest, add and remove a dummy document to the database before and after each test case is ran."

    • adding a configuration file called config.js to the “server” folder in order to specify a different database URI for testing purposes

    • app.settings.env : to detect what environment an expressJS app is running in (development, test, production)


Issue tracker project


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