SaboyaDev / azure-active-directory-config

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Microsoft Active Directory Logo

On-premises Active Directory Deployed in the Cloud (Azure)

This tutorial outlines the implementation of on-premises Active Directory within Azure Virtual Machines.

Environments and Technologies Used

  • Microsoft Azure (Virtual Machines/Compute)
  • Remote Desktop
  • Active Directory Domain Services
  • PowerShell

Operating Systems Used

  • Windows Server 2022 Datacenter - x64 Gen2
  • Windows 10 Pro, version 22H2 - x64 Gen 1


  • Create Resources
  • Ensure Connectivity between the client and Domain Controller
  • Install Active Directory
  • Create an Admin and Normal User Account in AD
  • Join Client-1 to your domain (
  • Setup Remote Desktop for non-administrative users on Client-1
  • Create a PowerShell script to add additional users and attempt to log into client-1 with one of the users

Deployment and Configuration Steps

"Setup Resources in Azure"

Domain Controller VM

  • Create the Domain Controller VM (Windows Server 2022) and name it“DC-1
  • Create a resource group that will be used by all the VMs
  • Make sure to select at least a 2vcpus so the process will be smoother
  • Remember the name of the vnet being created since it will be used by the client VM.
  • Set the Domain Controller’s NIC Private IP address to be static by going to the Networking settings, select the Network Interface dc-1383, go to the IP configurations, and click on ipconfig1

vm ms server vm ms server vnet domain controller static ip

Client VM

  • Create the Client VM (Windows 10 Pro) and name it “Client-1”.
  • Use the same Resource Group and vnet that was created in the previous step

vm windows 10 client

"Ensure Connectivity Between the Client and Domain Controller"

Network Topology

  • Ensure that both VMs are in the same vnet (you can check the topology with Network Watcher)


Ping DC-1

  • Login to DC-1 and go to Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security to enable ICMPv4 traffic on ICMP Echo under Local subnet
  • Login to Client-1 with Remote Desktop and ping DC-1’s private IP address

vm server windows firewall enable ICMPv4

ping <DC-1's Local IP address>

perpetual ping

"Active Directory"


  • Login to DC-1 and select Add roles and features on the dashboard of Server Manager.

active directory install

  • Installation type is Role-based or feature-based installation.
  • Select DC-1 as your server to add Active Directory.
  • When you select Active Directory Domain Services, you will get prompted with additional role services to install.
  • Select Add Features.
  • Go through the remaining process of the installation.

active directory install

active directory install

Promote DC-1 as a Domain Controller:

  • Click on Promote this server to a domain controller.

active directory installation done

  • Setup a new forest and create the root domain name, I just decided to call it
  • Setup a DSRM password.
  • Skip the DNS Options.
  • Confirm the Automatic NetBIOS domain name created (Should be the domain name you created with out the .com, .net, etc all UPPERCASE).
  • You could leave the paths all default.
  • Finish the installation and Restart the VM.

domain controller promotion

  • Log back into DC-1 as User:\labuser.

fqdn login

"Create Users in AD"

Active Directory Users and Computers:

  • Create two Organizational Units (OUs) called “_EMPLOYEES” and "_ADMINS" by right clicking the domain, select New and Organizational Unit.

organizational unit

  • Create a new admin but instead of creating it from scratch, you can copy another admin object and clone it to safe you from having to add manually every single group.

admin creation

  • Notice how this Admin is already a member of the different Security Groups, since we cloned an Admin user.

security group

  • Logout from the Remote Desktop connection to DC-1 and log back in now as “\jose.saboya” (replace it with the user you created). I will now use jose.saboya as my admin account from now on:

admin login

"Join Computers to Domain ("


  • From the Azure Portal, set Client-1’s DNS settings to the DC’s Private IP address.
  • Restart Client-1.

client dns settings

Join Domain:

  • Login to Client-1 (Remote Desktop) as the original local admin (labuser).
  • Once you have input the domain that you want to join, it will prompt you for an admin to authorize the request.
  • The computer will restart.

domain joining domain joining domain joining

  • Login to the DC-1 (Remote Desktop) and verify Client-1 shows up in Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) inside the “Computers” container on the root of the domain.

ADUC computers

"Remote Desktop for Non-Admin Users"

  • Log into Client-1 as\jose.saboya and open system properties.

  • Click “Remote Desktop”.

  • Allow “Domain Users” access to remote desktop.

  • You can now log into Client-1 as a normal, non-administrative user now.

  • Normally you’d want to do this with Group Policy that allows you to change MANY systems at once (maybe a future lab):

remote desktop setup remote desktop setup

"Automate User Creation"

PowerShell Magic:

  • Login to DC-1 with the admin account ex:\jose.saboya
  • Open PowerShell_ise as an administrator.
  • Create a new File and paste the contents of this script.
  • Run the script and observe the accounts being created.
  • The script will automatically create 10k users automatically and placed them into the _EMPLOYEES OU.

observe create users script

  • When finished, open ADUC (Active Directory Users and Computers) and observe the accounts in the appropriate OU.

employee user accounts

  • Pick a random user and try to log into client-1.
  • Tip: Take note of the password in the PowerShellscript.

employee user selection employee user selection employee user login

*Close your Remote Desktop connection, delete the Resource Group(s) created at the beginning of this tutorial, and verify Resource Group deletion.*
