Saad-Noor / Media-Watch-List-Build-in-AngularJS

Instructions Make sure you have these installed node.js git Clone this repository into your local machine using the terminal (mac) or Gitbash (PC) git clone CD to the folder cd Media-Watch-List-Build_ and then fetch all of the remote branches for the repository git fetch --all Run the following to install the project dependencies: npm install Run the ng serve command to build the code, watch for file changes, and serve up the site locally: ng serve Navigate to http://localhost:4200. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. http://localhost:4200/ The repository has a branch for each video starting point. For example, the branch 02-01b is used as the starting code for the video 02-01 NgModule and the root module. You can checkout branches using git checkout <branchname> and not have to re-run npm install each time since you will remain in the same root folder. Angular CLI This project was generated with Angular CLI. To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Instructions: Make sure you have these installed node.js git Clone this repository into your local machine using the terminal (mac) or Gitbash (PC) git clone
CD to the folder cd Media-Watch-List-Build-in-AngularJS and then fetch all of the remote branches for the repository git fetch --all Run the following to install the project dependencies: npm install Run the ng serve command to build the code, watch for file changes, and serve up the site locally: ng serve Navigate to http://localhost:4200. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. http://localhost:4200/. Angular CLI This project was generated with Angular CLI.

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.


Instructions Make sure you have these installed node.js git Clone this repository into your local machine using the terminal (mac) or Gitbash (PC) git clone CD to the folder cd Media-Watch-List-Build_ and then fetch all of the remote branches for the repository git fetch --all Run the following to install the project dependencies: npm install Run the ng serve command to build the code, watch for file changes, and serve up the site locally: ng serve Navigate to http://localhost:4200. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. http://localhost:4200/ The repository has a branch for each video starting point. For example, the branch 02-01b is used as the starting code for the video 02-01 NgModule and the root module. You can checkout branches using git checkout <branchname> and not have to re-run npm install each time since you will remain in the same root folder. Angular CLI This project was generated with Angular CLI. To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.