- Creating new Django project
- Creating new Django app
- Installing all needed Python modules
- Configuration for Channels
- Installing Redis
- Configuration for Redis connection in Django settings
- Creating Consumer, connect, disconnect and receive
- Creating websocket testing script
- Token Authentication https://hashnode.com/post/using-django-drf-jwt-authentication-with-django-channels-cjzy5ffqs0013rus1yb9huxvl
gcloud services enable \
run.googleapis.com \
sql-component.googleapis.com \
sqladmin.googleapis.com \
compute.googleapis.com \
cloudbuild.googleapis.com \
- Cloud SQL
- Serverless VPC Network Connector (default)
gcloud sql import sql scrumpoker gs://bucket-name/db.sql --database=scrumpoker
Specify paths correctly for index.html and other source files.