SURAJITSHAW / Learning-Flutter

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Everything is basically a Widget in flutter and Widgets are basically Classes. The Layout we madde with flutter is represent as a Widget tree.

  • Every Widget starts with a capital letter, and every individual word in it.
  • Every properteis should separate with a comma (very essential).
  • We can't just nested any value inside a Widget directly, had do with child properteis, i.e. Center( child: Text('centerd text), )

Stateless vs. Stateful

  • Stateless Widgets: the state of the widget cannot change over time.
  • Stateful Widgets: the state of the widget can change over time.

MaterialApp() Widget

Is just a wrapper class, which provides a basic styling.

Center Widget

Whatever nested inside this Widget is gonna be Centerd.

Scaffold() Widget

It's basically a Wrapper class which contains imp Layout Widgets. Is gonna help us to create a basic layout for our application, it's gonna allow us to set up a AppBar(), FloatingActionButton() and many more.

  • PreferredSizeWidget? appBar

    It's just upper section of the main body part, just like the nav section in the web app. This appBar: propertie value is also a Widget itself (AppBar()).
  • Widget? body

    It's the Main section of the application.
  • Widget? floatingActionButton

    A button displayed floating above [body], in the bottom right corner.

Custom Styling

  • For adding custom colors to our layouts, we are using Colors object to acess the MaterialTheme color palate as Props, e.g. backgroundColor:[400],

  • Text() can style any text by adding style prop in Text() Widget after the string. Like this :
    Text( 'Hello folks!', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 30.0, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, letterSpacing: 2.0, color: Colors.grey[600], ),

  • Adding Custom Fonts: Download Font -> Move the all .ttf file inside a file in root dir of the project -> adding those configuration pubspec.yml file -> use

Hot Reload doesn't working with Auto Save option.

Images & Assets

  • Images from Internet: or Image(image: NetworkImage(url))
  • Downloaded Images: Image.asset() or Image(image: AssetImage(url)). But here had to do one extra step to add image containing folder to pubspec.yaml.

Buttons & Icons

  • 2 types of button:
    • ElevatedButton()
    • TextButton()
  • Styling of Buttons: style: ButtonStyle(backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all. In the style: prop that has MaterialStateProprtty class. ''' ElevatedButton(onPressed: () {}, child: const Text('Click Me'), style: ButtonStyle(backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Colors.lightBlue)), '''

''' child: Icon( Icons.airport_shuttle, color: Colors.lightBlue, size: 50.0, ), '''

  • TextButton.icon(...)

    TextButton.icon( onPressed: (() {}), icon: const Icon(Icons.edit_location), label: const Text('Edit Location'))

Containers & Padding

  • Container() Widget is the most useful and easy to understand Widget provide by Flutter SDK. It also works like a wrapper class for layout Widgets and can also specify PADDING & MARGIN.
  • If any child isn't specified within container, it'll take the whole available area.
  • If the child is present, it'll restrict itself to the child Widget.
  • You can add Padding by simply, add padding: inside Container() Widget.

''' Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10.0, horizontal: 20.0), // apply accordingly to horizontal & vertical value Or, padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0), // apply the same value for all side Or, padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0), // left, top, rigtht, bottom

    color: Colors.grey[400],
    child: const Text('hello'),


  • Margin also works same as padding. ''' margin: const EdgeInsets.all(100.0), '''
  • If you just want to add padding to value, can use Padding Widget itself (but you can't use margin, color or diff props)


  • So far we adding one Widget at a time on the body: of our app. Now with the help of Rows & Columns we can have multiple Widgets in our Layout at sametime.

  • Row() is a Widget which can contain several other Widgets inside it. Since we can have multiple Widgets inside id, instead of a child: prop Row() has a chidren: prop(which is essentially List of ). Here Row containing 3 other Widgets inside it: ''' Row( children: [ const Text('Hello World!'), ElevatedButton(onPressed: () {}, child: const Text('Click Me'), style: ButtonStyle(backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Colors.lightBlue)),), Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 10.0, vertical: 25.0),
    child: const Text('inside a container'), color: Colors.amber,
    ), ], ) '''

  • Horizontal Axis == Main Axis, Vertical Axis == Cross Axis. You can add space b/w Widgets inside the Row(). ''' Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, // .start is default crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, // .center is default

      children: <Widget>[]

    ) '''


  • Columns are same as Rows but the stack Widgets from top to bottom.
  • Also in Columns Main Axis is the Vertical one.

Can put Row() inside a Column() Widget and vice-verca.

Shortcuts & Outline

  • Click on the Widget() have a little yellow light, click on it having multiple shortcut options to manipulate your Widgets()

Expanded Widgets

  • Creates a widget that expands a child of a [Row], [Column], or [Flex] so that the child fills the available space along the flex widget's main axis. Row( children: [ Expanded( child: Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0), child: const Text('One'), color: Colors.cyan, ), ), ] )

  • With Expanded Widget we can specify the behaviour of child: Image Widget in our Layouts.

SizedBox() Widget

  • Basically gonna create a empty box with height and width according to our needs. Props: height, width.


  • Creates a circle that represents a user.


  • Creates a material design divider.

Stateful Widget

  • Here data can be changed over a time period.

  • When working with Stateful Widgets, had to keep one thing mind you can't change the state directly. If you do the change will not gonna to reflect on Layout.

  • Had to put the changes logic/code inside setState funct (just like ReactJS).

    floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(onPressed: () { setState(() { gfCounts += 1; }); },

Lists of Data

  • children only accepts List, that's why with .toList() change this text iterable to a List.

  • will return an Iterable. map() works exactly same as JS.

    body: Column( children: => Text(qoute)).toList(), ),


  • Creates a widget that avoids operating system interfaces.

Maps & Routing

  • Maps are just key-value pair.

  • Use Map data structure for routing.

    MaterialApp( home: Home(), // set home: Home; also set default route '/' set to Loading. This will create conflicts b/w this two. routes: { '/': (context) => Loading(), '/home':(context) => Home(), '/location':(context) => Location(),

    }, )

  • By default '/' is the first route that gonna fire when we opened our application. 'home:' prop also works exactly like same. So basically we give two Widgets (Home, Loading) fire at the same time, this will create a conflict.


  • A widget that manages a set of child widgets with a stack discipline.
  • Navigator.pushNamed(context, RouteName) pushNamed() is just a funct which will take 2 arguments. This funct called pushNamed cause it essentially pushs the Route provided push on top of older route.

Changing by default loading path

  • For our app Loading() is intial widget that gonna fire, but for testing purposes we want our default path change to Home(). For overwriting by default path we are gonna using intialRoute: '/home',.

Widget Lifecycle

  Stateless  Widgets                |               Stateful Widgets
  • Stae doesn't change over time. | - State CAN change over time.
  • build funct runs once. | - setState() triggers the build funct. |

Lifecycle Methods / Stateful Widgets

  1. initState():
  • Called only once when the Widget is created.
  • subscribe to stream or any object that could change our widget data.
  1. Build():
  • Builds the widget tree
  • A build trigger every time we use setState()
  1. Dispose():
  • When the widget/state object is removed.

Asynchronous Code

  • Creates a future that runs its computation after a delay. This Future Object is a lot like Promises in JavaScript.

    Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3), () {}) 
  • This .delayed() method is a lot like setTimeOut() in JS, it'll wait take two arguments first for specified time to wait. Second one is a function runs after that specified time.

async & await

  • Suppose in our code (funct) we have a asynchronous code, and we want them to runs synchronously/hirarchialy. For acheiving this goal we had to conver our code/funct asynchronous too, let know the flutter this is asynchronous code inside asynchronous funct. e.g. void getData() async {...}

Dart Packages

  • We can get acess to a tons pre-written packages at pub.get domain.

  • Then we had to specify that package under dependenies section (here specify the version of http pacak)

    dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter http: ^0.13.4

  • Then we had to import the package at the top of the file we want to use the package.

  • Asynchronous funct which will make a api call, and return the data in Map type.

    void getData() async {

    // get the data from the api endpoint, await unit we get the data and store it into a response object of type Response. Response response = await get(Uri.parse(''));

    // on that response object had a body prop, which is the actual json string we get from the api call, the decode that data to Map type to store in data variable to use it. Map data = jsonDecode(response.body);



  • Is a class/data-type to store date time formatted string you get from any api calling to it, by assigning the formatted string to this you'll get proper representation of the date time to use it.

    String dateTime = data['utc_datetime']; DateTime now = DateTime.parse(dateTime);

Future getTime() async {}

  • If we want to use await infornt a custom asynchronous funct which returns void, isn't possible at all.
  • So had to use above syntax to acheieve our goal.
  • This is basically telling dart, funct will return Future temoriraly (it's just placeholder value, untill funct is completed). It'll return void when the funct is execute completely.

Error Handling

  • try{} catch(e) {}

Passing route data



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