SSiddavaram / AngularPrime-Dart

AngularPrime-Dart is a Dart port of Rudy de Busscher's AngularPrime component library.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AngularPrime-Dart is a Dart port of Rudy de Busscher's AngularPrime component library.

Compatibility: Albeit AngularPrime-Dart is developed in Dart, it also runs in native Javascript (by using Dart's cross-compiler dart2js).

However, currently it may not be compatible to Internet Explorer and Firefox. These browsers require a polyfill I have just started to integrate with AngularPrime-Dart.

Have a look at the showcase and the project blog at

The goal of the project is to provide

  • A similar API as the original AngularPrime.
  • When it's impossible to provide the same API, AngularPrime-Dart strives for an even better API.
  • A Dart widget library blending seamlessly into the PrimeFaces look and feel
  • and that's even compatible to the JSF version of PrimeFaces.
  • Ultimately, AngularPrime-Dart is going to be used as the widget library of AngularFaces (unless technical obstacles arise).

Current state of the art:
The project's still in its nascient state. Be prepared for rapid changes of the API (of both AngularDart and AngularPrime-Dart).

Components implemented so far Structural components:

<pui-panel>finished except shrink and grow effects
<pui-accordion>finished except shrink and grow effects and collapsing of the other accordion ribs after activating a rib
<pui-tabview>finished except vertically orientated tabs
<pui-datatable>50% finished / work in progress

Components dealing with input:

<pui-input> finished except "disabled" attribute
<pui-textarea>50% finished
<pui-dropdown>finished except keyboard support of non-editable drop drop menus


AngularPrime-Dart is a Dart port of Rudy de Busscher's AngularPrime component library.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0