SSARCandy / docker-swarm-couchdb

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  • Three Linux servers with different Public IP
  • All three are installed with docker
  • All three machines are set to docker swarm mode


$ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml test
$ docker stack ps test                     
ID                  NAME                                     IMAGE               NODE                DESIRED STATE       CURRENT STATE          
ynacuaj8tx35        test_couchdb.7zj2xk3up7ce34atj2nme9rf9   couchdb:3.1.1       docker-node-3       Running             Running 25 seconds ago
5p5w38jtjh7z        test_couchdb.2v2lb55cyes0rf3tbtqe2zp9x   couchdb:3.1.1       docker-node-1       Running             Running 25 seconds ago
bekjdetq739z        test_couchdb.2gedpa6dac3c80ilr3f9ji3fw   couchdb:3.1.1       docker-node-2       Running             Running 26 seconds ago

After each node is up, you can make the final configuration. The way to set up the cluster in CouchDB is to add other CouchDB to a certain one through the admin http api.

$ curl -X PUT "http://admin:admin123@<IP>:5984/_node/_local/_nodes/couchdb@test_couchdb.2v2lb55cyes0rf3tbtqe2zp9x.strqjl8lsdm58tozn59mp8du7" -d {}

$ curl -X PUT "http://admin:admin123@<IP>:5984/_node/_local/_nodes/couchdb@test_couchdb.7zj2xk3up7ce34atj2nme9rf9.u5ce5bl7cmjlhkb2781cye7py" -d {}

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"  "http://admin:admin123@<IP>:5984/_cluster_setup" -d '{"action": "finish_cluster"}'

instance name can be found using docker ps