SReject / mWebSocket

WebSocket Client for mIRC and AdiIRC

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


mWebSocket aims to implement the client portion of the WebSocket Standard in mSL for mIRC and AdiIRC. It is not, however, a fully featured HTTP client and as such will not follow HTTP redirects or process non-websocket related responses.

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Rights and Distributing

You may do with the code as you wish so long as you do not redistrubute any files contained with in this repository, in part or whole, without direct permission from me. You may directly link to any asset within this repository so long as you also include a link to the top level of the repository.

SReject © 2016; All rights reserved.



mIRC v7.4x or AdiIRC v2.2



  1. Download the latest release or mWebSocket-vx.x.xxxx-yyyy.mrc from the /builds/ directory
  2. In mIRC/AdiIRC, enter the following command in an editbox: //load -rs $$sfile($mircdir, Load, Open)
  3. Navigate to and select the downloaded file
  4. Click "Open"



/WebSockOpen name uri [timeout]

Creates a WebSocket handler.




name - required
The name to reference the handler by. Must be not be an interger or start with -

uri - required
The uri to connect to. Use wss:// as the uri scheme for an SSL connection

timeout - optional
The time, in seconds, to wait for the connection to be established before timing out the connection


/WebSockMark -rn name item [text|&bvar]

Stores the specified item-data pair.
Use $WebSockMark to access stored data.


The value is to be interpreted as plain text

The specified item is to be removed


name - required
The name to reference the handler by. Must be not be an interger or start with -

item - required
The name to be used to reference the specified data

text|&bvar - requied unless -r switch is used
The data to be stored.


/WebSockWrite -[cpPbt]+tw name text|&bvar

Sends the specified frame through a WebSocket.
Can only be used after the HANDSHAKE has completed.


The data should be sent as a CLOSE frame

The data should be sent as a PING frame

The data should be sent as a PONG frame

The data should be sent as a BINARY frame

The data should be sent as a TEXT frame (default)

The passed data is to be treated as plain-text

The specified name is a wildcard. The frame will be added to all matching and applicable web sockets.


name - required
The WebSocket name.

text|&bvar - required
The data to be included with the frame


/WebSockHeader header value

Stores the specified header to be used with the HTTP request.
Can only be used from the INIT event




header - required
The header name to set

value - required
The value for the header


/WebSockClose -fwe[code] name msg

Sends a CLOSE control-frame to the server


If specified the socket will be immediately closed

The specified name parameter is a wildcard. All applicable websockets will be closed

The specified status code will be sent with the close frame; otherwise 1000 is used


name - required
The WebSocket to close

data - optional Text data to send with the close frame



Lists all open WebSockets




If used from within a WebSocket event, the WebSocket name is returned



Returns the websocket name if it exists


name - required
The name of the WebSocket instance

n - optional if specified, name is assumed to be a wildcard and data related to the nth matching websock is returned


Returns the current websocket state

Returns the text equivulant of the websocket state

Returns $true if the connection is Ssl

Returns the host for the connection

Returns the port connected to

Returns the URI used to connect to

Returns the HTTP version of the connection
Only applicatable after the HTTP response has been received

Returns the HTTP statuscode returned by the server
Only applicatable after the HTTP response has been received

Returns the HTTP Status Text returned by the server
Only applicatable after the HTTP response has been received


$WebSock(name, [header,] n).HttpHeader

Returns the specified header.
Only applictable after the HTTP response has been received


name - Required
The name of the WebSocket instance

header - Optional
The name of the header to look up
If specified, the nth header of the specified name is returned
If n is 0 the total number of matching headers is returned

n - Required
Returns the nth header.
if a [header] name is not specified, the nth header name is returned
if 0 the total number of headers is returned


$WebSockMark(name, item|n)[.item]

Returns stored data associated with the specified item


name - Required
The name of the WebSocket instance

item|n - Optional
The item to return data for
If item is an integer the nth stored item name is returned
if item is 0, the total number of items stored is returned


If specified, the input item is treated as a iteral name even if numerical



Returns the received frames data as utf8 text Only applicable from within the CLOSING and DATA events



Returns various information about the recieved frame


Type - literal
if the literal text Type is specified, the frame type numerical value is returned

TypeText - literal
If the literal text TypeText is specified, the frame's type text representation is returned

if a valid bvar is specified, the frame data will be copied into the specified bvar overwriting any data it previously contained



Returns the WebSocket error
Only applicatable from within the ERROR event



Returns the WebSocket error message
Only applicatable from within the ERROR event




Al events are raised as a signal event formated as:

[EVENT] The event name

The websocket name from which the event originated


Event: INIT

Raised when the socket connection has been established.

$WebSock can be used to retrieve the WebSock name
/WebSockHeader can be used from within this event to set request headers



Raise when the HTTP request has been sent and a server response is pending

$WebSock can be used to retrieve the WebSock name


Event: READY

Raised when the HTTP handshake has successfully completed and the WebSocket is ready to send/recieve data

$WebSock can be used to retrieve the WebSock name


Event: DATA

Raised when a DATA, PING or PONG frame has been recieved.

$WebSock can be used to retrieve the WebSock name
$WebSockType, $WebSockTypeText, $WebSockText and $WebSockData can be used to reference the received data

The script will automatically respond to WebSocket PING frames



Raised when a CLOSE frame has been recieved

$WebSock can be used to retrieve the WebSock name
$WebSockType, $WebSockTypeText, $WebSockText and $WebSockData can be used to reference the recieved data



Raised when the remote host has closed the connection.
The websocket will be destroyed after this event.

A new websocket can not be created from this event reusing the name.


Event: ERROR

Raised when an error occured durring socket communications.
The websocket will be destroyed after this event.

$WebSockErr and $WebSockErrMsg can be used to access information about the error

A new websocket can not be created from this event reusing the name.



Raised after a websocket has been destroyed

A new websocket CAN be created from this event reusing the name


Special Thanks

User Reason
ACPixel Giving me the idea
Membear Providing help with the protocol
Ouims Various code improvement suggestions
Saturn Suggesting the use of $longip() to convert to 16/32bit uints


WebSocket Client for mIRC and AdiIRC