An all-in-one desktop bot for Mixer featuring support for MixPlay, Chat Commands, Events, Timers, Currencies, Third Party Integrations, and so much more. Visit Firebot's website for more info.
How do I get Firebot?
Head on over to Firebot's website and download the latest version!
What if I have a question or need help?
Please visit our Discord server or send us a tweet. We are more than happy to help.
I found a bug, how do I report it?
You can create a Bug Report here. We'll reply as soon as we can.
I have a new feature idea, where do I share it?
We'd love to hear your idea! You can submit a Feature Request here.
This code (everything in the repository) is provided under the GNU General Public License v3.0. This means that you're free to take the code in this repository and modify it in whatever way you like and distribute this code for any purpose. However, if you release it then it must be under this same license, make it open source, and provide documentation of changes made. All versions must have copyright credit pointing back to this source.
Anything using this code must be under the GNU Public License, and a copyright credit must point back here.