SPDUK / Crypto

Cryptocurrency tracker made with Ruby on Rails & React

Home Page:https://spduk-crypto.herokuapp.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hosted using heroku so it might take 10 seconds to load

You can sign up and add/remove coins, it shows the price of each.

Friends list is fake and does nothing.

  • Ruby version: 2.5.1
  • Node version 10.8.0

To make it run locally:

bundle install to install ruby gems, then to install react modules cd client and run npm i

A .env file needs to be created in the root of the project for the JWT, example:


To start the dev server:

bin/rake db:migrate Then run: bin/rake start or you can manually start the server with bin/rails s -p 3001 and to start the client yarn --cwd client start

To build files and use rails to serve the front-end

run yarn heroku-postbuild into the terminal and visit localhost:3001 instead of 3000.

To add the top 100 Cryptocurrencies to the database:

There is a function inside seeds.rb that makes an api call to coinmarketcap.

bin/rake db:seed

To reset the database

bin/rake db:reset


Cryptocurrency tracker made with Ruby on Rails & React



Language:JavaScript 62.6%Language:Ruby 31.3%Language:CSS 5.2%Language:HTML 0.9%