SPARTANX21 / Axon-Mobil-Sales-Dashboard

This dashboard provides insights into various aspects of the company's sales data, including overall sales performance, product performance, customer behavior, regional sales analysis, and helps stakeholders take appropriate actions to increase business revenue and market coverage.

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Axon Sales Dashboard


This repository contains a Power BI dashboard designed to analyze the sales performance of Classicmodels, a fictional company. The dashboard provides insights into various aspects of the company's sales data, including overall sales performance, product performance, customer behavior, and regional sales analysis.

Dashboard Features

  • Sales Overview: Summary of total sales revenue, units sold, and key sales metrics over time.
  • Product Performance: Analysis of sales performance by product category, individual product, or product line.
  • Customer Analysis: Insights into customer demographics, purchasing patterns, and customer lifetime value.
  • Sales by Region: Breakdown of sales performance by geographical region or market segment.
  • Top Performers: Identification of top-performing products, sales representatives, or customer segments.
  • Trend Analysis: Analysis of sales trends over time, including seasonality and long-term growth trends.
  • Executive Summary: High-level summary of key insights and actionable recommendations.


This dashboard provides insights into various aspects of the company's sales data, including overall sales performance, product performance, customer behavior, regional sales analysis, and helps stakeholders take appropriate actions to increase business revenue and market coverage.