SLAB-NLP / Multi-Prompt-LLM-Evaluation

State of What Art? A Call for Multi-Prompt LLM Evaluation

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State of What Art? A Call for Multi-Prompt LLM Evaluation

This repository contains the data for the paper:

Authors: Moran Mizrahi, Guy Kaplan, Dan Malkin, Rotem Dror, Dafna Shahaf, Gabriel Stanovsky. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Instruction template paraphrases

For access to the paraphrase datasets used in our project, please explore the automatic paraphrases folder. This folder contains all automatically generated paraphrases for the LMentry and BBH benchmarks. Within this category, you will find a CSV file for each task we evaluated in these benchmarks. These files provide the paraphrases along with additional information such as the method used for generating the paraphrase, a manual assessment of its correctness, and the length of the paraphrase measured in tokens.

Model Accuracies

The model accuracies folder provides detailed information on the computed accuracies of various models for each paraphrase. For each task, you will find a dedicated CSV file. In this CSV file, each row corresponds to a task paraphrase, identified by its index. The columns represent different models. For each model and paraphrase pair, the file details the model's accuracy based on 100 samples.

Aggregated Results

Within the aggregated results (jsons) folder, you will find the results for each task formatted as JSON files. Each entry in these files is structured as follows:

"4": {
  "template": "Is {category} the category for all {words}? Respond with either \"yes\" or \"no\".",
  "method": "rephrase",
  "correct": true,
  "accs": {
    "t0_3b": 0.58,
    "t0pp": 0.96,
  "ranks": {
    "t0_3b": 6,
    "t0pp": 1,

In this structure, each key represents the index of a paraphrase. The template key provides the instruction template, method indicates the technique used for generating the paraphrase, and correct is a boolean value reflecting the manual assessment of the paraphrase's correctness. The accs key contains a dictionary of model accuracies for the respective paraphrase, and ranks presents the rankings of these models based on their accuracies for that specific paraphrase.

Raw Model Responses

Finally, for comprehensive access to all model responses, a zipped folder is available for download. The size of the zipped file is approximately 190 MB. You can download it using the following link: Download Raw Model Responses. Please note that the unzipped data expands to around 4GB.

Enjoy! :-)


State of What Art? A Call for Multi-Prompt LLM Evaluation