SH2OCN / neural_combinatorial_optimization

A peper list for machine learning models solving combinatorial problems, NP-hard problems and problems in graphs.

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Neural combinatorial optimization

A peper list for machine learning models solving combinatorial problems, NP-hard problems and graph problems.

Tag abbreviations

  • GAT: Graph Attention Networks
  • GNN: Graph Neural Networks
  • Graph ConvNet: Graph Convolutional Network
  • NMT: Neural Machine Translation
  • Seq2Seq: Sequence to Sequences model
  • TSP: Traveling Salesman Problem
  • PtrNet: Pointer Network
  • RL: Reinforcement Learning

Paper list

Supervised learning

  • Pointer Networks. [Vinyals | NIPS | 2015] [Paper] [Data]
    PtrNet Autoregressive TSP Convex hulls Delaunay triangulations

  • Discriminative Embeddings of Latent Variable Models for Structured Data. [ICML | 2016] [Paper]

  • Residual Gated Graph ConvNets. [Bresson and Laurent | arXiv | 2017] [Paper]
    Graph ConvNet Graph problems

  • Learning Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms over Graphs. [Dai et al. | NIPS | 2017] [Paper]
    Structure2Vect Graph problems, TSP RL

  • Graph Attention Networks. [Velickovic et al. | arXiv | 2017] [Paper]
    GAT Graph problems

  • Revised Note on Learning Algorithms for Quadratic Assignment with Graph Neural Networks. [Nowak et al. | arXiv | 2017] [Paper]

  • Data-Driven Approximations to NP-Hard Problems. [Milan et al. | AAAI | 2017] [Paper]
    PtrNet Data-driven TSP

  • Boosting Dynamic Programming with Neural Networks for Solving NP-hard Problems. [Yang et al. | ACML | 2018] [Paper]
    Dynamic programming TSP

  • Applying deep learning and reinforcement learning to traveling salesman problem. [Miki et al. | iCCECE | 2018] [Paper]
    TSP RL

  • Learning heuristics for the tsp by policy gradient. [Deudon et al. | CPAIOR | 2018] [Paper]
    GAT RL Autoregressive 2OPT Local search

  • Graph neural networks: A review of methods and applications. [Zhou et al. | arXiv | 2018] [Paper]

  • An Efficient Graph Convolutional Network Technique for the Travelling Salesman Problem. [Joshi et al. | arXiv | 2019] [Paper] [Code] [Data]
    Graph ConvNet TSP Non-autoregressive Superviced Concorde Beam search

  • Attention, Learn to Solve Routing Problems! [Kool et al. | ICLR | 2019] [Paper]
    GAT REINFORCE Autoregressive TSP

  • On Learning Paradigms for the Travelling Salesman Problem. [Joshi et al. | arXiv | 2019] [Paper] [Code]

  • Solving Traveling Salesman Problem with Image-based Classification [Miki and Ebara | ICTAI | 2019] [Paper]
    Pixel-mapped Classification Network CNN TSP

  • Solving Optimization Problems Through Fully Convolutional Networks: An Application to the Traveling Salesman Problem [Ling et al. | IEEE SMCS | 2020] [Paper]

Unsupervised learning

  • Neural Combinatorial Optimization with Reinforcement Learning. [Bello et al. | ICLR | 2017] [Paper]
    PtrNet RL

Related papers

  • The Graph Neural Network Model. [Scarselli et al. |IEEE | 2009] [Paper]

  • Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder-Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation. [Cho et al. | EMNLP | 2014] [Paper]
    Seq2Seq NMT

  • Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks. [Sutskever et al. | NIPS 2014] [Paper]
    Seq2Seq NMT

  • Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation. [Luong et al. | EMNLP | 2015] [Paper]
    Seq2Seq Attention NMT

  • Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate. [Bahdanau et al. | ICLR | 2015] [Paper]
    Seq2Seq Attention NMT




A peper list for machine learning models solving combinatorial problems, NP-hard problems and problems in graphs.