SFDO-Community-Sprints / EnhancedLeadConversion

Adding options for additional mapping options when converting leads

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Name

Enhanced Lead Conversion

Project Team

Help us give you the thanks you deserve! Please ensure that all contributing members of the team are included!

  • Team Leader(s): Sarah Joseph
  • GitHub Scribe(s): Josh Kidd
  • List of all Contributors: Tamara Vose, Kathryn Battista, Clayton Goss, Tyler Colby

Project Vision (Your first task as a team)

NPSP currently uses a custom Lead Conversion page to help orgs who are using Household Accounts and Affiliations convert leads. While this works well, there are still functionalty gaps and counterintuitive UI elements that make using Leads with the NPSP difficult. The specific issues we've identified are:

  • There is currently no ability to map Lead fields to fields on the Affiliated Account.
  • Checking a box to NOT create an Opportunity is counterintuitive.
  • There's no way to select which Record Type should be used for created Opportunities.

We want to add additional functionality to Lead Conversion that isn't currently available in the existing NPSP functionality. Specifically, we will be looking to add:

  • The ability to map Account fields to either the Contact's direct Account or the Contact's Affiliated Account
  • The ability to specify a Record Type for created Opportunities
  • Hiding irrelevant fields based on selections

This additional functionality will help NPSP users who use Leads extensively.

Project Resources

  • We have created a mock-up of an ideal lead conversion screen as well as a process flow. Both of these resources are stored in the Images folder
  • User Stories are captured in the Wiki

Project Team Accomplishments

  • We wrote user stories capturing the requirements. We created a mock-up and process flow.

Future Contributions (AKA what were you unable to finish at the Sprint)

The changes described in the User Stories should be incorporated into the NPSP core code. The work here will need to be evaluated by the Product Owner for possible inclusion.