SET-Scheduling-Project / SET-ISCA2023

The framework for the paper "Inter-layer Scheduling Space Definition and Exploration for Tiled Accelerators" in ISCA 2023.

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The framework for the paper "Inter-layer Scheduling Space Definition and Exploration for Tiled Accelerators" in ISCA 2023. If you utilize this tool for your academic work, we kindly request that you reference our paper and send us a citation in your work. For industry applications, we kindly request that you inform us via email. We warmly welcome potential collaborations in both academic and industrial domains, and we are committed to offering our best support.

We will continue updating the framework codes and annotations in the future.

The "Scheduling Space Size Calculation" and "Optimal HW-tile Allocation Algorithm" mentioned in the paper can be found in this repo. The same repo is cited in the paper.

How to run

  1. Run make to build the executable "./build/stschedule"

  2. Run "./build/stschedule [IR_file] < input_file"

  • Where IR_file is the file name of the output IR json.

  • input_file is a plain text file with the following format, an example can be seen at example.txt:

    • "dataflow net batch x y stride round cost bw"

      • dataflow: Dataflow of the PE array, 0 for Simba, 1 for Eyeriss.

      • net: Workload (NN network), we support 13 networks listed below:

        0: darknet19

        1: vgg19

        2: resnet50

        3: googlenet

        4: resnet101

        5: densenet

        6: inception_resnet_v1

        7: gnmt

        8: lstm

        9: zfnet

        10: transformer

        11: transformer (one cell)

        12: pnasnet

      • batch: Workload batch size.

      • x, y: Length of the x/y axis in the mesh.

      • stride: The stride used in initial placement, must be a divisor of x.

      • round: Parameter controlling #rounds in SA, #rounds = round * "#layers in net"

      • cost: Cost function, we use $e$ and $d$ to represent total energy and delay.

        • When cost = 0, cost function is $d$.
        • When cost = -1, cost function is $e$.
        • When cost > 0, cost function is $e^{cost}*d$.
        • Otherwise, cost function is $e*d^{-cost}$.
        • (Setting cost_f = 1 will set EDP as the cost function)
      • bw: Bandwidth of each NoC link.

    • Since these parameters are read by cin, you can also run the framework using:

      • "echo dataflow net batch x y stride round cost_f bw | ./build/stschedule [IR_file]"
  • The current running method is not elegant, and we will improve it soon.

Current Plans

Since current APIs of the main program mostly relies on cin, it is mostly inconvenient and difficult to start with.

Thus we are planning to add better input formats, i.e. config files, and command line arguments.

Also, we are planning to add comments or docs for better understanding of the modules(classes) in the codes.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions, bug reports, or suggetions, feel free to contact the authors at and, or post issues under this repo. (-:


The framework for the paper "Inter-layer Scheduling Space Definition and Exploration for Tiled Accelerators" in ISCA 2023.


Language:C++ 99.0%Language:QMake 0.4%Language:C 0.3%Language:Makefile 0.3%