SECRET-GUEST / jsTemplate

folder architecture template for javascript / react / typescript, ...

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REACTTSX Javascript

JS Templates 📦

This repository, jsTemplate, serves as a foundation for JavaScript projects, offering templates for various JavaScript environments like React with TypeScript. Branch main is a general example, and it is recommended to clone specific branches to access different templates.

🌟 Features

  • React TypeScript Template for developing in a React environment using TypeScript.
  • Easily cloneable branches for specific template requirements.
  • Structured templates including directories for assets, components, styles, tests, and utils.

🔍 Prerequisites

Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

📜 License

This repository is released under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.

💎 Recommendations

  • For Linux users, check out this repository to effortlessly create actions in Nautilus, enabling repository creation and cloning with a single click, given that git is installed on your system.

📌 Quick Start

Linux users

Leveraging the Actions for Nautilus repository allows for the creation of customized actions, including easy cloning of this repository with just one click, provided Git is installed on your system.

Windows users

You can just clone the reactsx branch (or whatever branch you need)

git clone --branch Vite-react-ts-three-sass

you can also use a batch script to make a one-click installer for anytime you need to clone :

The batch script below assists in cloning a specific git repository. Before running the script, ensure that Git is installed on your system. You can get it from Git's official site.

Here is a brief explanation of the script:

  1. It first checks whether Git is installed on your system.
  2. If Git is installed, it proceeds to clone the 'main' branch of the specified repository (in this case, the pyTemplate repository).
  3. If an error occurs at any point (like Git not being installed or the repository failing to clone), it displays an appropriate error message.
@echo off
:: Check if git is installed
where git >nul 2>nul
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
    echo Git is not installed. Please install it from to proceed.
    exit /b 1

:: Clone the repository
git clone -b Vite-react-ts-three-sass

if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
    echo An error occurred while cloning the repository.
    exit /b 1

echo The repository was cloned successfully.
exit /b 0

Save this script as a .bat file and execute it to clone the repository. Once the repository is cloned successfully, a confirmation message will be displayed.

❓ Support & Questions

For any queries or support needs, please feel free to open an issue or start a discussion.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


folder architecture template for javascript / react / typescript, ...