A Clojure library for attempting to guess file types.
Heuristomancer uses EBNF files defining context-free grammars with instaparse and a provided sample size (default 1000 bytes). EBNF grammars can be found in resources/ebnf/
and are indexed by resources/grammars.clj
for use by Heuristomancer.
# Display the help text.
java -jar /path/to/heuristomancer-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar -h
# List the file types recognized by heuristomancer.
java -jar /path/to/heuristomancer-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar -l
# Identify the types of some files.
java -jar /path/to/heuristomancer-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar file1 file2
# Use a different sample size when identifying files.
java -jar /path/to/heuristomancer-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar -s 2000 file
(use 'heuristomancer.core)
;; Identify a file using the default sample size (1000 characters).
(identify "/path/to/file")
;; Identify a file with a specified sample size (in number of characters).
(identify "/path/to/file" sample-size)
;; Identify a sample that's already loaded into memory.
(identify-sample sample)