SC0d3r / For

an npm package for easing the iterations over objs , strings , ...

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In A Nutshell

an npm package for easing the iterations over objs , strings , ...

my Goals

  • single entry point
  • one syntax
  • cover all types


using npm

$ npm i --save for-ease

in vanilla javascript

const For = require('for-ease');

in Typescript

import For = require('for-ease');


do method :

  • Recieves a number and passes the current index to the callback

function job(index){console.log(index);}

For(5).do(job);// output : 0,1,2,3,4
  • Recieves an array of numbers or strings or objects and passes (index, CurrentElement , CopyOfArray) to the callback

For([2, 3]).do((index : number, currentElement: number, copyOfArr: number[]) => {
    // Your Code
  • Recieves a string and passes (index , currentCharacter , stringItself) to the callback

For('godSake').do((index: number, char: string, str: string) => {
    // Your Code
  • Recieves an obj and passes (key , value) to the callback

let obj = {
    name: 'god',
    lastName: 'sake'
For(obj).do((key: string, value: string) => {
    // Your Code
  • Recieves a function and calls that function till it returns falsy and passes the return of that function to the callback

function reverser(array: string[]) {
    return function () {
        return array.pop();

let func = reverser(['god', 'sake']);
let result: string = '';

For(func).do((returns: string) => {
    result += returns;
// result will be : 'sakegod'

//or get the return array

let result = For(func).do(x => x).returns;
// result is ['sake','god'] 

// dont forget that the callback function must return its argument
// otherwise the .returns give empty array

returnSum method :

  • Recieves an array of numbers or strings and return sum of array items

const result = For([1, 2, 3]).returnSum();
//result is 6

returnUniq method :

  • Recieves an array of numbers and returns just the unique ones

const result = For([1,2,3,1]).returnUniq();
// result is [1,2,3];

returnSorted method :

  • Recieves an array and returns sorted array (Does not affect the original array)

const originalArr = [1,2,-1];
const result = For(originalArr).returnSorted();
// result is [-1,1,2];
// originalArr still is [1,2,-1]

tillKey method :

  • Recieves a condition and returns elements till condition is true (key is index in array not the elements)


  • <=

let sum = 0;
For([1, 2, 3, 4]).tillKey('<= 2').do((index: number, val: number, arr: number[]) => {
    sum += val;
//sum is 6
  • >=

let sum = 0;
For([1, 2, 3, 4]).tillKey('>= 2').do((index: number, val: number, arr: number[]) => {
    sum += val;
//sum is 7
  • <

let sum = 0;
For([1, 2, 3, 4]).tillKey('< 2').do((index: number, val: number, arr: number[]) => {
    sum += val;
// sum is 3
  • >

let sum = 0;
For([1, 2, 3, 4]).tillKey('> 2').do((index: number, val: number, arr: number[]) => {
    sum += val;
//sum is 4
  • =

let sum = 0;
For([1, 2, 3, 4]).tillKey('= 2').do((index: number, val: number, arr: number[]) => {
    sum += val;
// sum is 3

With strings

let sum = '';
For(['1', '2', '3', '5']).tillKey('>= 2').do((index: number, val: number, arr: number[]) => {
    sum += val;
// sum is '35'
  • With Objects

let sum = '';
let arr = [{ name: 'batman' }, { name: 'superman' }];

For(arr).tillKey('= 1').do((index: number, val: { name: string }, arr: number[]) => {

    sum +=;

//sum is 'superman' 
  • returns the result of condition with .returns

let result = For([0,1,2,3]).tillKey('<= 2').returns;
//result is [0,1,2]

tillValue method :

  • Recieves a condition and returns elements till condition is true

  • Note : condtions as above

  • usage :

let sum = 0;
For([1, 2, 3, 4]).tillValue('<= 2').do((index: number, val: number, arr: number[]) => {
    sum += val;
//sum is 3

let sum = 0;
For([1, 2, 3, 4]).tillValue('= 2').do((index: number, val: number, arr: number[]) => {
    sum += val;
//sum is 2
  • With Strings

let sum = '';
For(['1', '2', '3', '5']).tillValue('>= 2').do((index: number, val: number, arr: number[]) => {
    sum += val;
//sum is '235'
  • Special Case : Objects

  • for object you have to add the key to the condition

let sum = 0;
let arr = [{ name: 'batman', age: 34 }, { name: 'superman', age: 22 }, { name: 'flash', age: 18 }];

For(arr).tillValue('age > 19').do((index: number, val: { name: string, age: number }, arr: number[]) => {
    sum += val.age;
//sum is 56 
  • returns the result of condition with .returns

let result = For([1,2,3,4,5]).tillValue('<= 2').returns;
//result is [1,2]

.returns getter

let result = For(3).do().returns;
//or do this
let sameResult = For(3).returns;
//result is [0,1,2] like sameResult

let originalArray = [2,3,4];
let copyOfArray = For(originalArray).do().returns;
// or do this
let copyOfArray = For(originalArray).returns;
  • Note : if the callback returns sth it will be placed in the result array (but not changing the original array)

let originalArr = [1, 2, 3];
let result = For(originalArr).do(() => 2).returns;
// originalArr is [1,2,3]
//result is [2,2,2];
  • Returns an array of [key,value] pairs of an object

let obj = { name: 'superman', age: 34, phone: 34234 };

let result = For(obj).do().returns;

// or just do this

let result = For(obj).returns;
// either way result will be [['name', 'superman'], ['age', 34], ['phone', 34234]]
  • Returns indexes if we give For only a number

let result = For(4).do().returns;

// or just this

let result = For(4).returns;

//either way result will be [0,1,2,3]
  • Can be used to create an array of predefined size

let result = For(3).do(() => 0).returns;
//result is [0,0,0]
  • Can be used to return the result of passed function

function reverser(array: string[]) {
    return function () {
        return array.pop();

let f = reverser(['god', 'sake']);
let result:any[] = [];

result = For(f).do((ret => ret)).returns;
//result is ['sake','god']

assign Method

  • Recieves an array and assigns the result to it (not modifying the original array)

let originalArray = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let resultArray: any[] = [];

For(originalArray).do(() => 2).assign(resultArray);
//resultArr is [2 , 2 ,2 , 2] cause in this example the callback function always returns 2  

append Method

  • Recieves an array and appends the result to end of it (not modifying the original array)

const originalArray = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let resultArray: any[] = [56, 87];

For(originalArray).do((index,value) => value + 1).append(resultArray);
//resultArray is [56, 87, 2, 3, 4, 5]

prepend Method

  • Recieves an array and prepends the result in front of it(not modifying the original array)

let originalArray = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let resultArray: any[] = [56, 87];

For(originalArray).do((index , value) => value * value).prepend(resultArray);
//resultArray is [ 16, 9, 4, 1, 56, 87 ]

Performance :

Static Methods

static methods are only available from version 1.1.0 and later


For function by defualt makes a copy of given array but you can disable this behavior for better performance by calling this method

  • Note : returnSorted method always change the copy of given array not the original
  • Note : if you disable the copy the return of callback function will change the original array (if callback does not return anything original array remains intact) for example :
let originalArr = [1, 2, 3];
let result = For(originalArr).do(() => 2).returns;
// now result and originalArr are [2,2,2];
// defualt behavior(if copy is enable) originalArr remains [1,2,3]
// but result will be [2,2,2]


this is the defualt behavior of For function

For.enableCopy();//only call this if you have already disabled copying

note : you can check if copying is on or off by logging the For.__copy property (true means it copies given arrays)

Time Test :

I ran this test several times in different machines

For.disableCopy();//disabling the copy for better performance

const number = 6000000
const arr = For(number).returns; // this command just make us the array
//from 0 to 5999999

function a(){ } // dummy function 


console.time('default for');
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
console.timeEnd('default for');


For: 36.849ms
default for: 25.236ms
forEach: 294.389ms

Final Note : Dont use array.forEach it is so slow

dont believe , just run the test and see the result on your machine.

source code on github


an npm package for easing the iterations over objs , strings , ...

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%