S3cBar0n / TheWarden-Bot

Discord.Py Moderation Bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The Warden - Discord.Py Moderation Bot:

For every individual message that contains words on the banned words list you get 1 infraction, moderators can also manually give warnings with >warn Username

Once a user gets 3 infractions they are automatically banned for 3 days time and then unbanned after that time.

The >user command displays the users current stats, containing their name, pfp, discord ID, if they are a troublemaker (you are a trouble maker if you have any current infractions, you can become a permanent trouble maker by reaching 15+ infractions), current and lifetime infractions. The >user command also will display as green for 0 infractions, yellow for 1, red for 2, and dark red for 3 (however this is only for testing).

Once a user is unbanned, or pardoned with the >pardon command, their current infractions are reset back to 0.

You can manually ban with >ban (THE BAN COMMAND IS FOR A PERM BAN) and unban with >unban

You can access the current banlist for the server with >banlist

You will need to create your own filtered_words.csv in the working directory for it to properly monitor for banned words.

Future Features:

  • Auto invite after unban
  • Adding a manual tempban command
  • Add some more advanced functionality for users who are set as troublemakers
  • Work out any bugs we find during use
  • Convert our current csv "database" to a SQL based DB


Discord.Py Moderation Bot

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%