McCarthy Lab Roadmap
Roadmap to learn AI for associates at McCarthy Lab@Next Tech Lab
Data Structures and Algorithms
- Stanford ALgorithms - Coursera or
- Introduction to Algorithms (MIT 6.006)
- Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science (MIT 6.0002)
- Learn any one programming language really well and compete on Codechef, Hackerrank, HackerEarth,etc
Data Science Stack
Best places to learn -
- Python - NumPy, Matplotlib and Scipy
- Learning Python 3 The Hard Way
- Python
- NumPy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib and Seaborn
Things you should know
- Linux
- Bash Cheatsheet
- Git - Introduction
Mathematics for Machine Learning
- The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning - Quick refresher
- Mathematics for Machine Learning - Intermediate
- Numerical Algorithms - Advanced
Machine Learning/AI MOOCs
- Machine Learning - Coursera (Andrew Ng)
- Machine Learning - Coursera (University of Washington)
- UC Berkeley CS188 or
- MIT 6.034
- Machine Learning by Shaurya Bhandari
Note :
- Implement Machine Learning models from scratch using Python
- Once you're comfortable implementing models from scratch, learn scikit-learn and compare performance
- Practice on Kaggle to get your skiills ---> 😎
Machine Learning Books for reference
- Introduction to Statstical Learning
- Elements of Statistical Learning (A little more in-depth than ISLR)
- Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning
Deep Learning MOOCs
Deep Learning Frameworks
- Keras - To get started
- PyTorch or
- TensorFlow
- Intro to TensorFlow 2.0 for Deep Learning
Note : Learn from official tutorials/docs or GitHub repos which have detailed notebooks like Hvass Labs
Deep Learning Books
Natural Language Processing
- Natural Language Processing by National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Stanford University's CS224n
- NLP course by Yandex Data School
Reinforcement Learning Tutorials
Reinforcement Learning - Libraries
Reinforcement Learning Books
Read blogs, Reddit, follow researchers on Twitter
- Towards Data Science
- Sebastian Ruder
- thegradient
- Reddit - Machine Learning
- Reddit - Deep Learning
- Learn Flask or Django and make a complete project ---> deploy in on the web