Ryzk / velocity

Accelerated JavaScript animation.

Home Page:VelocityJS.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Documentation: http://VelocityJS.org

Velocity's workflow: http://css-tricks.com/improving-ui-animation-workflow-velocity-js

Velocity's speed: http://davidwalsh.name/css-js-animation

Velocity's codecast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDLiVB6g2NY&hd=1

NPM: https://www.npmjs.org/package/velocity-animate

Velocity is undergoing its final stage of testing. Full release (including test suite) is scheduled for May 15th.


Famo.us is a full-fledged mobile app framework built around a physics engine. It has the potential to beat all DOM-based animation libraries in terms of performance. The amount of work Steve Newcomb and Mark Lu have put into vertically integrating the Famous development stack is astounding.

GSAP is a full-fledged animation platform with a ton of power. Its features are nearly limitless -- as is the love its creator (Jack Doyle) puts into it. GSAP is what inspired me to pursue the development of Velocity.

As for Velocity, its focus is on being a very lightweight, very fast tool for drastically improving UI animation performance and workflow. I put an extensive amount of work and attention to detail into it.

With each of these solutions, we're comparing options that are the product of nothing but love -- for performance and for the Web. Choose whichever is best suited to your task at-hand. They're all very fast.


MIT License. © Julian Shapiro (http://twitter.com/shapiro).


Accelerated JavaScript animation.


License:MIT License