Ryoto-Kato / IntuitiveAnimationControl

Deformation Learning with structured 3D Gaussian for Intuitive Animation of Photo-realistic Head Avatars

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Deformation Learning with structured 3D Gaussian for Intuitive Animation of Photorealistic Head Avatars

> code comming soon...

Ryoto Kato

Technical University of Munich


We present the deformation learning of a photorealistic head avatar using structured 3D Gaussians for intuitive control and real-time realistic animation rendering. Our deformation learning can produce global deformation components that support rough fitting as a foundation for plausible facial expression and local deformation components that allow for more comprehensive facial expression modelling. Our local deformation components, in particular, solve discontinuity artefacts in animations by introducing our smooth sparsity assignment strategy.

paper (coming soon)

Pipeline overview

Pipeline Overview


  • Linux x86-64 (Debian is preferrable)
  • python (conda)
  • GPU 10GB VRAM (at least 8GB)
    • must fulfil requirements for 3D Gaussian splatting pipelines


set up conda env

conda create --name 3dsrf --file requirements.txt
conda activate 3dsrf

Multi-face dataset setup

Download tracked meshes (66 expressions) and multi-views (38 cameras) of the target person (e.g., 6795937)

Convert data structure into the following by using ./src/tools/dataset_composer.py

  1. Make dataset at the same level as 3DSSL-WS23_IntuitiveAnimation and create new folders (multi_views, multiface)
  2. Clone the tracked_mesh and meta_data folders from downloaded multi-face data into the folder multiface
  3. [TODO] Set path_to_imageFolder to the path to the image folder, which is downloaded from multi-face and set ID appropriately in ./src/tools/dataset_composer.py,
    • e.g.,
      ID = '6795937'
      path_to_imageFolder = "/path_to_multi-face/path_to_download_folder/m--20180227--0000--6795937--GHS/images"
  4. Run ./src/tools/dataset_composer.py

Final data structure

  • from now, path_to_dataset = ./3DSSL-WS23-IntuitiveAnimation/dataset
├── 3DSSL-WS23_IntuitiveAnimation
    ├── src
    ├── dataset
        ├── multi_views
                ├── E001_Neutral_Eyes_Open
                    ├── 000102
                        ├── 000102.obj
                        ├── 000102.ply
                        ├── 000102_subd2.ply
                        ├── 000102_subd.ply
                        ├── 000102_transform.txt
                        ├── 400002.png
                        ├── 400004.png
                    ├── 000108
                    ├── 000114
        ├── multiface
            ├── tracked_mesh
                ├── E001_Neutral_Eyes_Open
                    ├── 000102.obj
                    ├── 00102_transform.txt
                ├── E002...
            ├── meta_data
                ├── KRT

Facemask generation

  • We provide facemasks (.obj for visualization and .pkl for subsequent computation) in ./samples, which are required for further computation
    • 3DGS ./samples/3dgs
      • 87652 (after twice subdivision of multi-face tracked mesh): FaceMask_sample_subd2_face_trimesh.obj
      • 5509 (multi-face tracked mesh): FaceMask_sample_face_trimesh.obj
  • You can generate a facemask by using ./samples and GetMask_mesh.ipynb
  • Visualization of a face mesh and its facemask can be done with ./src/tools/FaceMask_and_Mesh_visualizer.py

Deformation Learning with structured 3D Gaussians

Setting up 3D Gaussian splatting pipeline by referring

  1. Clone gaussian-splatting from the official repo.

    • set up environment for original gaussian-splatting
      • additionally, pip install pytranform3d
    • [option] Clone DeformationLearning_3DGS from repo or recursive clone of 3DSSL-WS23_IntuitiveAnimation
    • Copy all source codes in ./DeformationLearning_3DGS and paste them into the gaussian_splatting to use our customized Gaussian splatting codes
  2. [TODO] Set constant appropriately as your environment

    # multiface_dataset_readers.py and original_train.py
    path_to_dataset = ...
    # original_train.py
    path_to_3WI = ...
    ID = "6795973"
    path_to_dataset = ...
    path_to_output = ...

optimization of structured 3D Gaussians

# Activate the conda env
conda activate gaussian_splatting

python original_train.py #check options in the source code
tensorboad --logdir=path_to_output

Deformation components analysis (global/local)

How to obtain the global/local deformation components given trained 3D Gaussians (.pkl)

  1. Serialized trained 3D Gaussian properties in .pkl (use ./src/utils/pickel_io.py)

  2. Convert the .pkl to Hierarchical data format (.hdf5)

    • Set the constant parameters
      path_to_output =...
      session = ... # training session id
    • Use DeformatioLearning/3DGS_DC.ipynb
      • Input: GaussianProp data structure in .pkl

        class GaussianProp:
            xyz: np.ndarray 
            normals: np.ndarray
            f_dc: np.ndarray #this is SH_coeffs, needs to be converted to RGB by SH2RGB
            f_rest: np.ndarray
            opacities: np.ndarray
            scale: np.ndarray
            rotation: np.ndarray
            covariance: np.ndarray
      • Output:

        # original trained 3D Gaussians
        # after 1x downsampling (de-subdivision)
        # after 2x downsampling (de-subdivision)
          # where the number of vertex = 87652
          xyz shape: (330, 262956) # 3D coordinate of centre of Gaussians 
          normals shape: (330, 262956) # Normal vectors at the centre of Gaussians
          rgbs shape: (330, 262956) # RGB obtained by converting the f_dc
          f_dc shape: (330, 262956) # 0-deg spherical harmonics (SH) lighting coefficients
          f_rest shape: (330, 3944340) # rest of the SH lighting coefficients
          opacities shape: (330, 87652) # opacities of Gaussians
          scales shape: (330, 262956) # scales of 3D Gaussians
          rotation shape: (330, 350608) # rotation of 3D Gaussians
  3. Obtain deformation components for global effects (with PCA) and local effects (with SLDC) by using src/tools/PCA_MBSPCA_3DGS.py

    PCA on selected attributes [xyz, f_dc, scale, rotation]

    Apply PCA/MBSPCA on selected attributes of 3D Gaussians

    • input: <session_name>_87652.hdf5

    • output: 3dgs_87652_ALL_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5

      • If we apply downsampling to trained 3D Gaussians in advance, you need to add --upsampling to store the standard deviation and average of the un-downsampled 3D Gaussians for later upsampling
    # Where you are applying PCA and MBSPCA on the trained 3D Gaussians
    python PCA_MBSPCA_3DGS.py --path2folder="../samples/deformation_components/trained_3dgs" --hdf5_fname="<session_name>_87652.hdf5"
    # --selectedAttribs=['xyz', 'f_dc', 'scales', 'rotation'] (Default)
    # Where you are applying PCA and MBSPCA on the downsampled 3D Gaussians
    python PCA_MBSPCA_3DGS.py --path2folder="../samples/deformation_components/trained_3dgs" --hdf5_fname="<session_name>_5509.hdf5" --upsampling
    • [optional] You can get deformation components from MiniBatch sparse PCA using scikit-learn. However, there are better methods for local effects due to the inappropriate constraints in matrix factorization. Look at the details here

    PCA on each attribute [xyz, f_dc, scale, rotation]

    This step is required for the subsequent SLDC step

    • input:<session_name>_87652.hdf5
    • output:3dgs_87652_[xyz]_PCAMBSPCA_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5
      • We will apply PCA on the data matrix, which concatenates the 3D Gaussian representation of each face with the centre of Gaussian xyz
    python PCA_MBSPCA_3DGS_separateAttribs.py --hdf5_fname="f336a291-bnotALLcam_datamat_87652.hdf5"

    SLDC on single attribute [xyz]

    • input: 3dgs_87652_xyz_PCAMBSPCA_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5 (from PCA on single attribute)
    • output:
      • gauss_3dgs_87652_xyz_SLDC_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5 (with --gauss)
        • otherwise 3dgs_87652_xyz_SLDC_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5
      • To make sure that you apply PCA/SLDC on the same data, we used the output .hdf5 from the previous step and applied SLDC on the data matrix from 3dgs_87652_PCAMBSPCA_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5
    python SLDC_trained3dgs.py --path2folder="../samples/deformation_components/trained_3dgs" --hdf5_fname="3dgs_87652_xyz_PCAMBSPCA_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5" --gauss # without --gauss runs original SLDC

[optional] upsampling process

  • input: 3dgs_5509_ALL_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5 or 3dgs_21954_ALL_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5
  • output: upsampled_3dgs_5509_ALL_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5 or upsampled_3dgs_21954_ALL_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5
    • upsampling the number of Gaussians and their attributes
python upsampling_DCs.py --numGauss=21954


# Activate the conda env
conda activate gaussian_splatting

# Global deformation components
python original_render.py --path_to_hdf5="./output/f336a291-bnotALLcam/3dgs_87652_ALL_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5" --path_to_saveIMG=./output/f336a291-bnotALLcam/blendshape_result --dc_type=pca

# Local deformation components 
python original_render.py --path_to_hdf5="./output/f336a291-bnotALLcam/gauss_3dgs_87652_xyz_SLDC_5perExp_trimesh_dcs" --path_to_saveIMG=./output/f336a291-bnotALLcam/blendshape_result --dc_type=sldc


  • Comparison between 4 methods
    • Ours (global): 3dgs_87652_ALL_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5
    • COG-PCA: 3dgs_87652_xyz_PCAMBSPCA_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5
    • Ours (local): gauss_3dgs_87652_xyz_SLDC_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5
    • T-SLDC: 3dgs_87652_xyz_SLDC_5perExp_trimesh_dcs.hdf5
# Activate the conda env
conda activate 3dsrf
# Run evaluation and visualization of the deformation region 
python evalutation_DCs.py


Deformation Learning with structured 3D Gaussian for Intuitive Animation of Photo-realistic Head Avatars