RyogaLi / PPS

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Build reference

  • The pre-built reference files used for the analysis can be found in
    1. human grch37: /home/rothlab/rli/02_dev/06_pps_pipeline/fasta/human_ensembl/grch37
    2. human grch38: /home/rothlab/rli/02_dev/06_pps_pipeline/fasta/human_ensembl/grch38
    3. human 9.1: /home/rothlab/rli/02_dev/06_pps_pipeline/fasta/human_91
    4. yeast (palte specific): /home/rothlab/rli/02_dev/06_pps_pipeline/fasta/yeast_ref_all
  • If you need to build new references, please make sure:
    1. Name for the reference is the same as name for the sequencing files. For example, the corresponding reference for scORFeome-HIP-05_L001.fastq.gz is scORFeome-HIP-05
    2. ID for each sequence matches the ORF-id in the summary file

Make summary file

  • The summary files for human and yeast are premade before running the pipeline, the raw data can be found: /home/rothlab/rli/02_dev/06_pps_pipeline/target_orfs/human_summary.csv and /home/rothlab/rli/02_dev/06_pps_pipeline/target_orfs/yeast_summary.csv
  • If you are making your own summary file, make sure you have a column with the name orf_name, which is the unique identifier for each ORF, this should also map with the sequence names in the fasta file you make. You can modify in main.py: analysisHuman or analysisYeast to select columns you want to keep

Input FASTQ files

  • FASTQ files:
    1. human (files from the same group are merged together): /home/rothlab/rli/01_ngsdata/PPS_data/Human_pool/merged_pool9-1/
    2. yeast (files from the same plate are merged together): /home/rothlab/rli/01_ngsdata/PPS_data/yeast_pps_fastq/yeast_pps_fastq/

Install and Run

  • install the package using: pip install PlasmidPoolAnalysis

    usage: pps [-h] [--align] [-f FASTQ] [-n NAME] -o OUTPUT -r REF
           [--refName REFNAME] [--summaryFile SUMMARYFILE] [--orfseq ORFSEQ]
    Plasmid pool sequencing analysis
    required arguments:
    -f FASTQ, --fastq FASTQ
                        path to fastq files
    -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output directory
    -r REF, --ref REF     Path to reference
    -m MODE, --mode MODE  human or yeast
    --summaryFile SUMMARYFILE
                        Yeast or Human summary file
    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --align               provide this argument if users want to start with
                        alignment, otherwise the program assumes alignment was
                        done and will analyze the vcf files.
    -n NAME, --name NAME  Run name (default set to pps)
    --refName REFNAME     grch37, grch38, cds_seq. Required if mode == human
    -l LOG, --log LOG logging mode, default set to info
  • Example: Human (with alignment to grch37)

    pps -f ~/01_ngsdata/PPS_data/Human_pool/merged_pool9-1/ -o ../../output/ -n Human91 --refName human91 --summaryFile ../../target_orfs/human_summary.csv -m human -r ../../fasta/human_91/ --align

  • Yeast

    pps -f ~/01_ngsdata/PPS_data/yeast_pps_fastq/yeast_pps_fastq/ -o ../../output/ -n testpackYeast --summaryFile ../../target_orfs/yeast_summary.csv -m yeast -r ../../fasta/yeast_ref_all/

  • The pipeline first submit alignment jobs to the cluster (slurm), after all the jobs are done, it filters vcf files, output summary and mutations


  • All the intermediate files will be saved into your output directory, a new folder will be made with the -n parameter
  • For each fastq file, a folder will be made. It contains the following files:
    1. *.sh: alignment job script used for alignment
    2. all_summary_plateORFs.csv: summary for this plate/group
    3. *.log: log file
    4. *_raw.vcf: raw vcf file generated from pileup
    5. *_variants.vcf: vcf file with variants only
    6. *_filtered.vcf: filtered vcf file
  • After the run is finished, the following files will be generated in the master output folder:
    1. alignment_log.csv: shows the alignment rate for each plate/group
    2. all_mutations.csv: contains all the variants passed filter
    3. all_summary.csv: contains all ORFs and if they were found/fully covered in the sequencing
    4. genes_stats.csv: overall stats



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