RyPeck / aws_managed_policies

AWS managed IAM policies

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Collection of the AWS Managed IAM policies. These were acquired as follows:

aws iam list-policies > list-policies.json
cat list-policies.json | jq -cr '.Policies[] | select(.Arn | contains("iam::aws"))|.Arn +" "+ .DefaultVersionId+" "+.PolicyName' | xargs -n3 sh -c 'aws iam get-policy-version --policy-arn $1 --version-id $2 > "policies/$3"' sh

This does the following:

  • Gets the list of all policies in the account
  • Finds the ones with an ARN containing "iam::aws", so that only the AWS managed policies are grabbed.
  • Gets the ARN, current version id, and policy name (needed so we don't have a slash like the ARN does for writing a file)
  • Calls aws iam get-policy-version with those values, and writes the output to a file using the policy name.


AWS managed IAM policies