RvN-R / monday-clone

This is a project I created to practice with React and Express skills, and expand my understanding. The aim was to build an app similar to that of the popular planner Monday. The intended aim was not to match Monday's styling, but its CRUD capability.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


I built this project to practice my skills in React and learn how to incorporate Express to build a backend.

To Run the App

  • Open a new terminal and run - cd monday-clone
  • Now in the correct directory you need to start up the backend, to do this run the following in a new terminal - npm run start:backend
  • Now with the backend running you need to start up the fronten, to do this run the following in a new terminal - npm run start:frontend
  • React should open a new tab in your browser and localhost:3000 should appear with the site.


This is a project I created to practice with React and Express skills, and expand my understanding. The aim was to build an app similar to that of the popular planner Monday. The intended aim was not to match Monday's styling, but its CRUD capability.


Language:JavaScript 80.4%Language:CSS 12.2%Language:HTML 6.5%Language:Shell 0.9%