Rutherther / vhdl-i2c

I2C master and slave implementation in VHDL

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I am no expert, still a student, learning about VHDL and working with FPGAs. This I2C implementation may lack some things, and there are no guarantees whatsoever. The I2C has been tested in both simulation and on FPGA, but it still might contain many bugs.

Synthesizable I2C implementation in VHDL

This repository contains synthesizable implementation of i2c communication protocol in vhdl. It supports both master and slave.


There are simulation files with various scenarios and testing.

Tests have also been conducted on an FPGA after simulation tests have been passing. There were two scenarios tested for slave, and one for master so far.

Simulation tooling

For simulation, VUnit has been used both as a script to run the testbenches, and as a library that contains utility, log functions for easier testing.

Slave scenarios

There have been to scenarios for testing the slave. It has been tested with a help of a microcontroller, specifically Tiva-C, but the tests should be portable to any ARM microcontroller quite easily. Rust has been used to write the programs. The programs are located in mcu_tests subfolder.


The top level design inside of mcu_slave library called counter is a simple test scenario for testing the slave. It will react only to read commands, and send back inrementing sequence of numbers, resetting at 100.

There is a code for Tiva-C ARM microcontroller located at mcu_tests/slave_counter that will start reading by five bytes and report the values to user via semihosting.

"EEPROM" behavior

There is a top level design called regs inside of the mcu_slave library. This design tries to behave as an EEPROM would. It contains only twenty registers to write into.

The master should at first trigger a write, that should include the address to start writing to or reading from. Then sequence of writes or reads should follow.

If there is a sequence of writes, the values will be written to the memory. Starting with the address received as first byte, and incrementing the address by one byte for every byte written.

For sequence of reads, values are read starting from the address received first, and incremented by one byte for every byte read.

There is a code for Tiva-C ARM microcontroller located at mcu_tests/slave_regs that will send data to the memory, and report the values to user via semihosting.

Master scenarios

Only one scenario has been tested with the master implementation. That is with SSD1306 128x64 display. In the ssd1306 library there is counter design entity. This entity will count to 1000, and display the current value on SSD1306 display.

The display is initialized at first, and then every half a second the numbers are sent to the display to render. The numbers were obtained from this font [].


I2C master and slave implementation in VHDL


Language:VHDL 89.8%Language:Tcl 4.9%Language:Nix 2.3%Language:Rust 1.7%Language:GDB 0.8%Language:Python 0.6%