RulesCommittee / BylawsRepository

A Repository for the Bylaws of the Brandeis University Undergraduate Student Union and Maintained by its Rules Committee

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  • SECTION 1. The Bylaws of the Brandeis University Undergraduate Student Union Government (hereinafter referred to as "Bylaws") shall be enacted and enforced in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Student Union Constitution and these Bylaws.


  • SECTION 1. All Student Union Executive Officers, Senators, Allocations Board Members, Justices of the Union Judiciary, and Union Representatives shall be considered "Union Officers."

  • SECTION 2. Is as follows:

    • (a) Executive Officers shall report before the Senate at least once every two Senate meetings.

    • (b) All other Union Officers shall periodically report before the Senate.

    • (c) The Senate may, by majority vote, mandate that a particular Union Officer report before the Senate.

  • SECTION 3. All Union Officers shall hold weekly office hours.

    • (a) Executive Officers shall hold five office hours per week.

    • (b) All Union Representatives, Justices of the Union Judiciary, and Members of the Allocations Board shall hold three office hours per week. -(c) All Senators shall hold office hours by appointment

  • SECTION 4. Student Representatives shall be appointed to University Committees by the Union President, subject to confirmation by the Senate.

  • SECTION 5. All Branch Heads and Senate Committee Chairs must take attendance at meetings to ensure that Union Officers are fulfilling their obligations.

    • (a) Each Branch Head shall maintain a publicly accessible attendance document which lists every member and which meetings they have missed. Senate Committee Chairs shall report attendance to the Vice President or Executive Senator in accordance with Article IV, Section 1, Clause B of these Bylaws.


  • SECTION 1. The Allocations Board shall act in accordance with the following guidelines:

    • (a) Each semester, the Allocations Board shall elect a Chair whose duties shall be set forth in the Union Constitution. The Allocations Board may, by a two-thirds vote, remove a Member from the position of Chair for failure to adequately perform the duties of the office.

    • (b) The Allocations Board shall not act unless a quorum is present. A quorum of the Allocations Board shall consist of all Members for a Full Board Meeting. A quorum of the Allocations Board shall consist of one less than the majority of Members of the Board for Small Decisions Meetings. A quorum of the Allocations Board shall consist of two Members for any Marathon Sessions. For any other meeting of the Allocations Board, quorum shall be a simple majority.

    • (c) Each member of the Allocations Board shall have one vote. Approval of any allocation requires a majority vote. Members of the Allocations Board may not cast their votes by proxy.

    • (d) All Allocations Board meetings shall be convened by the Chair. In the absence of a Chair, meetings shall be convened by the Treasurer. The Allocations Board may, by a two-thirds vote, close all or part of its meetings to non-Board Members.

    • (e) The Allocations Board shall reserve the power to recommend any chartered club for decharter by the Senate.

    • (f) All Allocations Board checks must be signed by the Treasurer or the Union President.

  • SECTION 2. The Allocations Board shall hear requests for funding and make decisions through Funding Marathons. The procedure for a full Marathon shall be as outlined below.

    • (a) The Allocations Board shall hold Marathon Sessions for at least one week before the funding request deadline such that club leaders may present their cases for funding in detail and ask clarifying questions.

      • (i) Following the request period, the Allocations Board shall hold a Full Board Meeting to prepare for Small Decisions Meetings. The Members shall establish an acceptable preliminary budget for the semester and delegate duties for decisions meetings.

      • (ii) In Small Decisions Meetings, Allocations Board Members shall come to an agreement and record their decisions on any requests for which they are responsible.

    • (b) After Small Decisions Meetings have concluded, the Allocations Board shall reconvene for a final Full Board Meeting to review all decisions and pass final judgement on all decisions by majority vote. At this time, any decisions made in Small Decisions Meetings may be reviewed or altered by the entire Allocations Board.

    • (c) The Chair of Allocations Board shall submit the final proposed decisions to the Budget Analyst from Students & Enrollment. When decisions have been approved, the Chair shall then publish decisions to the Brandeis community.

  • SECTION 3. There shall be four types Marathon meetings:

    • (a) Before final exams, the Allocations Board shall hold an Early Marathon for the allocation of funding for the following semester. The period funded by Early Marathon shall end when decisions for Regular Marathon are published.

    • (b) At the beginning of every semester, the Allocations Board shall hold a Regular Marathon for the allocation of funding for the current semester. The period funded by Regular Marathon shall end when the semester has concluded. Regular Marathon must within fifteen academic days of the start of a semester.

    • (c) The Allocations Board shall hold an Appeals Marathon no later than three academic days following the official release of allocation decisions from Early Marathon or Regular Marathon.

    • (d) Club leaders shall have the right to appeal allocations given to their clubs during either Marathon period.

    • (e) The Allocations Board shall have the right to turn down any appeal during an Appeals Marathon.

    • (f) The Allocations Board’s Funding Scope shall include the criteria for the rejection of Marathon appeals.

    • (g) The Allocations Board shall hold Emergency Marathon meetings between the Regular Marathon and Early Marathon of any given semester at the discretion of the Chair.

  • SECTION 4. There shall be established a grievance process for Allocations Board allocation decisions.

    • (a) A decision of the Allocations Board may be reopened for review and debate if:

      • (i) A majority of the Allocations Board decides in favor of it.

      • (ii) The Club for whom the request was made requests it, and two members of the Allocations Board agree to support the request.

    • (b) The Allocations Board may, by a 2/3 vote, prevent any further review of a decision.

  • SECTION 5. The Union President may veto any decision of the Allocations Board within 5 academic days of the decision. The Allocations Board may, by a 2/3 vote, overturn any Presidential veto. The Allocations Board vote must take place within 5 academic days of the veto.

  • SECTION 6. The Treasurer may, in consultation with the Chair of the Allocations Board, empower members of the Allocations Board to assist in the entry, collection, completion, and processing of financial requests and other forms.

  • SECTION 7. The Allocations Board may, by a 2/3 vote of the all those members present and voting, purchase equipment for the use of all Union Clubs. Such purchases may not exceed 10% of the Allocations Board's semester budget.


  • SECTION 1. Senators shall attend all meetings of the Senate and committees on which they are required to serve and may miss up to two Senate meetings and two committee meetings (per committee) without an excuse per semester . If a Senator misses three Senate or committee meetings in a semester without an excuse, they will be removed from the Senate. The following conditions shall apply to this attendance policy:

    • (a) In the event of a university emergency (including but not limited to a snow emergency) or a meeting scheduled outside the regular meeting time with less than one week's notice, no Senator shall be penalized for absence.

    • (b) The Vice President, in conjunction with the Executive Senator, shall maintain a publicly accessible attendance document which lists every Senator and which meetings they have missed. Senate Chairs shall report committee attendance to the Executive Senator or Vice President, who will update the document accordingly. Any discrepancies should be reported immediately.

    • (c) The Vice President, Executive Senator, or a designee shall notify a Senator after their second unexcused absence that another absence will lead to their removal. This message shall be sent to the Senator's official email address, though the sender may choose, at their discretion, to notify them through additional means.

    • (d) If a Senator cannot attend a meeting in person for whatever reason, the Vice President or pertinent Committee Chair may, at their discretion, allow that Senator to virtually attend via video chat or similar means. The Vice President, or pertinent committee chair, can also allow excused absences given extraordinary circumstances. The Vice President or pertinent Committee Chair is not required to allow this, and may reject any request to do so for any reason. If the Vice President or pertinent Committee Chair allows this, it will not count as an absence.

    • (e) If a Senator is removed under this provision, an election may be held at the discretion of the Secretary. If no election takes place then the seat shall remain vacant for the remainder of the term.

  • SECTION 2. All Senators, with the exception of Committee Chairs, must serve on at least two committees.

    • (a) Committee Chairs need only serve on the committee which they chair.

    • (b) Senators may choose which committees to serve on, but can also be assigned at the discretion of the Vice President.

    -(c) Serving as Representative to the Allocations Board or CEEF Board shall fulfill the requirement designated in this section.

  • SECTION 3. Each semester, the Senate shall elect an Executive Senator as a liaison between the Senate and the Executive Office.

    • (a) The Executive Senator or the Vice President shall have the right to deny an individual or group admittance to the Senate agenda. The Executive Senator or Vice President shall inform the Senate within 24 hours of their execution of this right. The Senate can overrule their decision on this matter by a majority vote.

    • (b) The election procedure for the Executive Senator shall be as follows:

      • (i) At the penultimate meeting of each semester, the President of the Union Senate shall announce the voting procedures, and willing Senators shall announce their candidacy to the rest of the Senate.

      • (ii) At the final meeting of the semester, the Senate shall enter into executive session to elect the Executive Senator.

      • (iii) All voting shall be by secret ballot with the candidates not present at the time of voting.

  • SECTION 4. No individual shall serve in an appointed capacity as a member of the Union Government unless nominated by the Union President and confirmed by the Senate, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws. The Senate may require, by majority vote, the production of any application, or the presence of any nominee, for such a position.

  • SECTION 5. Class senators shall serve as moderators of their respective class social media pages (ex. MyDeis).

    • (a) Senators moderating these forums shall be subject to the university’s conduct standards, Rights and Responsibilities, Union Code of Conduct, Constitution, and Bylaws.

    • (b) This privilege may be revoked by the Office of Communications and/or the Union President or Vice President should a breach of any of the above occur.

    • (c) Class senators will be removed as moderators at the conclusion of their respective terms.

    • (d) If a class senator is unwilling or unable to act as a moderator, another senator may be appointed at the discretion of the Vice President.


  • SECTION 1. The Parliamentary rules, as set out in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order, shall govern the conduct of all official meetings of the Student Union Senate, except as may otherwise be provided for in the Union Constitution and these Bylaws.

    (a) for the purposes of the Senate, quorum will be defined as more than 50% of the voting body present.

    (b) If there are less than 18 Seats currently held, the quorum will be defined as 10 Senators of the voting body present.

  • SECTION 2. Meetings of the Senate shall be held at least once every ten academic days during the Spring and Fall Semesters.

  • SECTION 3. All business and legislation of the Senate must be submitted to the Executive Senator at least three days prior to the Senate meeting. Executive session may not be discussed with people who were not present for discussion.

  • SECTION 4. The following shall be special rules of order:

    • (a) A straw poll vote shall be taken upon the request of one senator.

    • (b) Members of the Senate shall be limited to three minutes per speech, at the discretion of the Vice President, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws.

    • (c) The Senate shall have the power to enter executive session by majority vote.

      • (i) An executive session shall consist of only the Senate and other individuals that it requests.

      • (ii) Unless mentioned in these Bylaws, no business may be voted upon in executive session.

      • (iii) The Senate may, by majority vote, move out of executive session.

      • (iv) Executive session may be recorded but not broadcast.

  • SECTION 5. Proxy votes can only be accepted for excused absences by the President of the Senate.

    • (a) Proxy votes are only for amendments, clubs or SMRs which have been discussed at a meeting prior to the vote. This is not applicable to club chartering/recognition votes the day of the meeting.

    • (b) Proxy votes can be overridden by a ⅔ Senate vote.

  • SECTION 6. For each item brought to a vote, there shall be one round of voting. During this round, each member may cast his or her vote only once.

  • SECTION 7. The order of business of meetings of the Union Senate shall be:

    • (a) Call to Order

    • (b) Roll Call

    • (c) Charters/Recognitions/Decharters

    • (d) Communications

      • (i) Student Communications

      • (ii) Administrative Communications

      • (iii) University Committee Reports

    • (e) Executive Officer Reports

    • (f) Senate Committee Chair Reports

    • (g) Unfinished Business

    • (h) New business

    • (i) Senator Reports

    • (j) Public Comment and Open Forum


  • SECTION 1. Standing Senate Committees shall be established in these Bylaws. The following shall be the standing committees of the Senate:

    • (a) Services and Outreach Committee

    • (b) Social Justice and Diversity Committee

    • (c) Rules Committee

    • (d) Club Support Committee

    • (e) Dining Committee

    • (f) Sustainability Committee

    • (g) Facilities and Housing Committee

    • (h) Health and Safety Committee

  • SECTION 2. Committees shall operate as follows:

    • (a) The President of the Union Senate shall, subject to confirmation by the majority of present and voting Senators, appoint all Senate and Non-Senate Chairs of standing committees.

    • (b) All Senate Chairs shall be appointed for a period of one semester.

    • (c) All Senate Chairs may be re-appointed.

    • (d) Senate Chairs for the Fall semester shall be appointed following the fall election cycle and take office at the first meeting of the semester

    • (e) Senate Chairs for the Spring semester shall be appointed after the election of the mid-year Senator and take office at the first meeting of the semester.

    • (f) Senate Chairs retain the right to appoint non-senate committee members at their own discretion.

    • (g) At the discretion of the President of the Union and Senate, as specified above, committee cochairs may be appointed to any committee.

    • (h) The Committee shall work to develop new services to address student needs.

    • (i) The Committee Chair, or a designee, shall maintain and update Union outreach tools, such as social media platforms, weekly emails and Union Government publications.

    • (j) The Committee Chair, or a designee, shall coordinate other events and programs to foster the committee's goals.

  • SECTION 3. The rules and procedures of Senate Committees are as follows:

    • (a) The actions of Senate Committees must be in line with the general goals and aims of the Senate. It shall be the responsibility of the Senate Chair of the Committee to ensure that the Committee remains in line with the goals of the Senate.

    • (b) Meetings shall be held at least once a week and shall be called by the Senate Chair of the Committee and the Non-Senate Chair of the Committee.

    • (c) Committee Chairs shall make every effort to involve relevant administration or faculty in their weekly meetings and activities.

    • (d) All decisions made by the Senate Committee Chairs - be it policy, finances, or otherwise - shall not be made without consultation of the Non-Senate Chair of the Committee and the Committee.

    • (e) The Senate Chair of the Committee has the ultimate authority on Committee finances but shall not act without first consulting the Non-Senate Chair of the Committee and the Committee.

    • (f) Each Committee shall be required to report to the Senate at the meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting. The report shall be submitted by the Senate Chair of the Committee. In the absence of the Senate Chair of the Committee, the Non Senate Chair of the Committee or another committee member shall submit the report.

    • (g) The Vice President shall produce a weekly Senate Update that includes committee chairs’ weekly reports (from the Executive Senator’s meeting minutes) and contact information of the committee chairs, which shall be made publicly available through weekly emails, social media platforms, Union Government publications, or other Union Outreach tools.

    • (h) If the position of Senate Chair of the Committee becomes vacant, all authority delegated to the Senate Chair of the Committee shall fall to the Executive Senator or the President of the Union Senate until another is appointed.

    • (i) Committees shall have the right to use Union resources at the discretion of the Union Secretary.

    • (j) All campus communications prepared by Committees must be approved by the Executive Senator or the President of the Union Senate prior to distribution.

    • (k) In the event that the Senate Chair of the Committee or the Non-Senate Chair of the Committee fails to adhere to these rules and procedures and/or the duties prescribed to the Senate Committee Chairs in these Bylaws, the President of the Union Senate shall have the authority to remove him/her from the chair position.

    • (l) All Senate Committees must produce a report at least once a semester detailing the work they have done as a committee and present it at the Senate meeting prior to Spring and Fall Inaugurations.

  • SECTION 4. The Services and Outreach Committee shall address any concerns or issues raised regarding the nature and availability of services provided by the Student Union and foster a stronger relationship between Union officers and the Brandeis Undergraduate Student Body. The committee shall organize events, services and projects to increase awareness of the role of the Student Union.

    • (a) The Committee shall organize and run transportation services to high-volume train stations and airports preceding breaks where large portions of the student body are expected to be traveling.

    • (b) The Committee shall organize and run “Meet the Union,” an informational outreach event to encourage student participation and engagement with the Student Union.

    • (c) The Committee shall organize and run the “Midnight Buffet,” an end-of-semester celebration party for the student body, which should include but need not be limited to food, music, merchandise (such as T-shirts), a special theme, etc.

    • (d) The Committee may organize and run any other events, services and projects that the Committee believes will positively influence perception of the Student Union.

    • (e) At the discretion of the Senate Chair, the Committee may coordinate with other committees or branches of the Student Union to organize, fund or run any project, service or event.

    • (f) The Senate Chair may, in conjunction with the Vice President, mandate the attendance of all Union Officers at any committee- or Union-sponsored event, including at set-up.

  • SECTION 5. The Social Justice and Diversity Committee shall serve to promote and improve social equity, inclusion and diversity at Brandeis by collaborating with university staff, students, clubs and departments who uphold the value of social justice.

    • (a) The Committee shall investigate, publicize and act upon relevant student concerns.

    • (b) The Committee shall reflect and represent students' convictions to one another, the administration, and the community at large in expression of our the University's sense of and commitment to social justice.

    • (c) The Committee shall promote institutional change, and work to encourage interaction and connections among the different groups that make up the student body.

    • (d) The Committee shall undertake at least one major project per semester.

    • (e) The Committee may choose a specific theme to focus on each semester.

    • (f) Through these efforts, the Committee will work to give underrepresented groups a voice on campus, and to help organize efforts improving coexistence, civil rights, and civil liberties at Brandeis.

  • SECTION 6. The Rules Committee's purpose is to enhance the efficiency of the Senate and to streamline the legislative process. The Committee will strive to assist people bringing business before the Senate and on how to adhere to the rules and guidelines set forth in the Union Constitution and these Bylaws. This committee shall act in accordance with the following:

    • (a) There shall be no Non-Senate Chair.

    • (b) Prior to each meeting of the Senate, the Rules Committee shall meet to review the agenda and business to come before the Senate.

    • (c) The Committee Chair is ultimately responsible for contacting those students and/or club leaders who submitted legislation so that any issues addressed at the committee meeting are resolved prior to the Senate meeting. The Chair may delegate responsibility as they deem appropriate.

    • (d) The Committee may advise persons bringing legislation and other business before the Senate on how to conform such business to the rules of the Senate.

    • (e) Neither the Committee nor its members may require that persons bringing business before the Senate make modifications to that business.

    • (f) The Chair retains the right to prevent legislation or other business from reaching the floor but must notify the Senate of the reasons. By a 2/3 vote, the Senate may bring said business to the floor.

    • (g) At least one member from the Judiciary must attend every Rules Committee meeting.

  • SECTION 7. The Club Support Committee shall serve the clubs of the Brandeis campus by educating club leaders and their memberships on resources available and beneficial to clubs and organizations of the Brandeis Student Union. Additionally, the Committee shall serve as an outlet for club advocacy related issues between clubs and the Union Government and/or the Administration of Brandeis University. The Committee shall provide services related to, but not limited to, the following:

    • (a) Human, material, and financial resources of the Brandeis Student Union, the Brandeis University, and the greater Brandeis University community. It shall provide this service by proactively engaging with and directly meeting with clubs.

    • (b) The Club Support Committee will be responsible for contacting and requesting testimony from any and all groups that the prospective new group may have duality of purpose with.

    • (c) Senators who serve on the committee may be excused from serving on other committees at the discretion of the Vice President.

  • SECTION 8. The Dining Committee shall coordinate with university dining management in representing the Union and student body in all dining-related affairs including but not limited to food and service quality, dining location hours, food offerings, meal plans, and dietary needs.

    • (a) The Committee Chair shall reach out to university dining management at the beginning of a new semester to arrange a recurring time for the Committee and university dining management to meet.

    • (b) In preparation for meetings with university dining management, committee members will gather relevant student feedback (complaints, compliments, suggestions, etc.) to be accumulated into a single report.

    • (c) Feedback may be gathered through word of mouth, surveys, in-person and online interactions, or any reputable means available to members. Feedback should be as specific and with as much context as possible in order to aide university dining management in addressing it.

    • (d) The Committee will gather relevant student feedback through a campus-wide poll on dining affairs at least once every year. This information may be received through another organization's poll as long as a section is dedicated to dining affairs. This information shall be used to determine any major problems that the Committee needs to address.

    • (e) The Committee shall make every effort to meet with university dining management every week to report student feedback and campaign for the changes desired by the student body and Union.

    • (f) To encourage active participation during meetings with university dining management, the Committee Chair should encourage committee members to report their acquired feedback themselves rather than rely on the Committee Chair to report the feedback on their behalf.

    • (g) Following these meetings, the Chair, or a designee, must compile a dining report describing the matters discussed and actions to be taken in response. Each of these reports shall be made publicly available to all students.

    • (h) The Committee may assign a senator to a specific dining location or topic of interest to act as a liaison with the manager of that location or topic, such as a Kosher Student Representative to oversee all feedback related to Kosher food on campus or an Allergy Student Representative to oversee all feedback concerning student dietary needs.

    • (i) The Committee may assist university dining management in promulgating significant dining news with the student body.

    • (j) The Committee may pursue any other projects that the Committee believes will improve the dining experience.

  • SECTION 9. The Sustainability Committee shall investigate, advocate for, and implement policies that help to create a sustainable, environmentally consciousness campus on behalf of the Senate.

    • (a) The Committee shall coordinate and work with relevant clubs, Student Union committees and members, campus resources, faculty and staff in order to promote environmentalism and sustainability on campus.

    • (b) At least one Representative to the Brandeis Sustainability Fund must attend every Sustainability Committee meeting.

  • SECTION 10. The Facilities and Housing Committee shall be responsible for working with university facilities and housing management to promote a safe, functional, clean, and attractive campus environment for all Brandeis students.

    • (a) The Committee shall advocate for improvements to the operation and maintenance of all university-owned buildings and grounds by providing relevant student feedback to university facilities and housing management and undertaking projects to improve campus spaces.

    • (b) The Committee may also address neglected campus operations or university services lacking sufficient representation from the Student Union.

    • (c) All Quad Senators are required to serve on the committee. Quad Senators who are also Senate Chairs may be excused from serving on the committee in accordance with Article IV, Section 2, Clause (a) of these Bylaws.

    • (d) The Committee may assist university facilities and housing management in promulgating significant facilities and housing news with the student body.

  • SECTION 11. The Health and Safety Committee shall serve to promote and improve the well-being and security of students on and off campus, which shall include but not be limited to mental, physical and emotional health; alcohol and drug awareness and safety; sexual health and safety; safety and accessibility for students on and off-campus; fair treatment of students with registered disabilities; and healthy academic and non-academic life balance.

    • (a) The committee shall advocate for improvements to campus health and safety in university policy, provide awareness and information to students, host events, and pursue relevant initiatives.

    • (b) The committee shall coordinate and work with related clubs, Student Union committees and members, campus resources, faculty, and staff in order to maximize efficiency.


  • SECTION 1. Organizations listed in Article VII, Section 3 of these Bylaws shall be known as Counseling and Advisory Service (CAS) Organizations.

  • SECTION 2. In order for a group to become a CAS Organization, it must meet all of the following criteria:

    • (a) The organization must perform counseling and/or advisory service to the Brandeis Community, which by its very nature causes membership to be restrictive and unavoidably selective.

    • (b) Member training must be necessary to participate in the organization.

    • (c) Members cannot profit financially in any manner from organization activity.

  • SECTION 3. The following organizations are CAS Organizations, and are permitted to obtain Charter from the Senate:

    • (a) Brandeis Counseling and Rape Crisis Hotline (x6TALK)

    • (b) Queer Resource Center (QRC)

    • (c) Peers Education on Responsible Choices (PERC)

    • (d) Students Talking About Relationships (STAR)

    • (e) Student Sexuality Information Service (SSIS)

  • SECTION 4. Should the Senate hold a vote concerning the eligibility of a CAS Organization, the Executive Senator must notify a member of the Executive Board of said organization at least four academic days before the vote.


  • SECTION 1. Every club is either probationary or established; unchartered or chartered. The Senate shall, by a supermajority vote of two-thirds, have the discretionary power to accredit probationary clubs.

    • (a) A probationary term shall be defined as a 12 academic weeks period for new clubs to develop and prove their ability to pursue or fulfill their purpose and to function well as an organization.

    • (b) A probationary club is a club that has been accredited by the Senate, and is yet to be established or dissolved.

    • (c) An established club is one that has been established by the Club Support Committee or by the Senate.

      • (i) Established clubs shall be guaranteed continued existence in their current status pending the completion of the annual renewal process, provided that the club is not deemed to be in violation of it purpose, its constitution, Club Support regulations, the Student Union Constitution, or these Bylaws.
  • SECTION 2. In order to be eligible for accreditation, a prospective club must:

    • (a) Be demonstrably organized and efficient in operating as defined by their club's constitution to do at least one of the following:

      • (i) Advance an interest or initiative.

      • (ii) Create a community beneficial to the Brandeis undergraduate student body.

      • (iii) Provide meaningful opportunities to partake in a specific activity.

    • (b) Not be a fraternity or sorority.

    • (c) Not duplicate the purpose or goals of an existing club. If the prospective club’s operations, impact, and student appeal would substantively be the same as that of an existing club, then it should not be accredited. A group has duality of purpose if it has duality of operations, impact, and appeal. Collectively, this standard is called Duality of Purpose.

      • (i) The National or International affiliation of an existing or the prospective club will have no bearing in determining duality of purpose between groups. All clubs, whether or not they have non-Brandeis affiliations, will all be treated equally regarding duality of purpose. Unique national or international affiliations shall not solely warrant exemption from Duality of Purpose.

      • (ii) Guidelines for accommodating the regulations on Duality of Purpose will be restricted to clubs' impact on the Brandeis University campus only, and only those on-campus impacts will be relevant in evaluating purpose.

    • (d) Not discriminate against members on the basis of race, color, ancestry, religious creed, gender identity and expression, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, disability, political affiliation and ideology, veteran status or any other category protected by law.

    • (e) Not charge its members fees or dues or frequently engage in cost prohibitive activities without an attempt to offset costs through fundraising or allocated monies.

  • SECTION 3. To seek accreditation, an eligible prospective club must do the following:

    • (a) Submit to the Senate a proposed constitution which includes the following about the prospective club:

      • (i) Name

      • (ii) Purpose

      • (iii) Officer positions and the method for filling Them

      • (iv) Membership criteria

      • (v) Meeting procedures

      • (vi) Amendment procedures

      • (vii) Statement of non-exclusivity

      -(viii) Request to be chartered (if applicable).

    • (b) Submit to the Senate a written statements of fifteen Union members who wish to join the club describing why they wish to join the club and why they believe the club will benefit the Brandeis community.

    • (c) Submit to the Senate a semester plan approved by the Club Support Committee which outlines the club's goals, methods, and verifiable objectives.

    • (d) Attend a meeting of the Club Support Committee to discuss the merits of their club and to discuss preparation for accreditation.

    • (e) Hold a club meeting that is attended by at least ten students in addition to at least one senator or non-senate club support commitee member who will observe proceedings. This meeting must occur prior to the Senate meeting at which the leaders will present their club.

    • (f) Submit to the Senate a list of the initial E-board members with each member's respective position and Brandeis email attached.

    • (g) After meeting all of the other requirements listed in these bylaws, prospective clubs must present their case for accreditation in front of the Senate, and must receive the Senate's approval, in order to become a probationary club. Representatives of the prospective club must step outside while the Senate votes on its accreditation as a probationary club.

  • SECTION 4. Any club which duplicates the purpose or goals of an existing academic department or other campus resource in terms of operations, impact, and student appeal is ineligible to become or remain a chartered club; otherwise, clubs shall have the right to become or remain chartered clubs, so long as they remain accredited.

    • (a) As part of granting accreditation to a prospective club, the Senate much determine and specify whether a club is to become a chartered probationary club or an unchartered probationary one.

    • (b) The Senate may, by a supermajority vote of two-thirds, toggle whether an accredited club is chartered or unchartered, if it deems such a change is appropriate as per these Bylaws.

    • (c) In accordance with the Union Constitution, chartered clubs are eligible to receive funding from the Allocations Board; unchartered clubs are not.

    • (d) Chartered clubs may not utilize Allocations Board funding for anything other than furthering their constitutional purpose.

  • SECTION 5. The privileges of all accredited clubs shall include:

    • (a) Use of University facilities and Union resources.
  • SECTION 6. Clubs are forbidden from doing the following:

    • (a) Spending Allocated Student Activities Fee funds on activities that do not affect the Brandeis University Student Body.

    • (b) Paying salaries, wages, or stipends to Brandeis students unless approved otherwise at the discretion of the Treasurer.

  • SECTION 7. Clubs are responsible for complying with the following annual requirements and policies:

    • (a) Submitting a copy of the Club's Constitution to the Union Secretary upon request.

    • (b) Complying with yearly renewal requirements, as is prescribed by the Student Union Secretary.

      • (i) The deadline for the Anti-hazing/Club Renewal Form shall be 40 academic days from the beginning of the academic year. Failure to submit the document shall result in de-chartering pursuant to a simple majority vote of the Senate and/or the inability to use University facilities and Union Resources
    • (c) Complying with the Student Union Advertising Policy, as is prescribed by the Student Union Secretary.

    • (d) Clubs shall update their Presence pages with most recent Senate approved version of their constitution

  • (e) Clubs shall update their Presence rosters

  • SECTION 8. The following shall be the relevant requirements for officers in clubs:

    • (a) Clubs shall be encouraged to attend training sessions focused on allyship and coalition-building before receiving Student Union funds for events related to topics focused on marginalized populations or controversial issues.

    • (b) The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as well as the Intercultural Center, will offer allyship and coalition-building training at the beginning of each semester to provide this support.

    • (c) All clubs must have a president and a treasurer or officers that have comparable duties necessary for successful club operations.

    • (d) All officers must be students enrolled in the undergraduate program or the Myra Kraft Transitional Year Program at Brandeis University.

    • (e) All Officers must complete Bystander Training and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training once annually as recorded by the Office of Prevention Services and the Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. Two Club Officers must also attend Budgeting, Recruitment, Event Planning and General Student Activities trainings. Failure to comply will result in club de-chartering and de-recognition.

    • (f) The Senate may, by majority vote, mandate that a particular Club Officer report before the Senate.

  • SECTION 9. Clubs may, with the approval of the Senate, change their names and constitutional purposes. The Chair of the Club Support Committee shall inform the Department of Student Activities of any changes to club names.

  • SECTION 10. Probationary clubs must report to the Club Support Committee within 1 probationary term of being accredited. After reviewing a report written by the club reflecting on their probationary term and meeting with the club's officers, the Club Support Committee shall have three options:

    • (a) Establish the club. The Club Support Committee shall notify the Senate of this decision.

    • (b) Provide the club another probationary term of 12 weeks after agreeing upon a new semester plan. The Club Support Committee shall notify the senate of this decision.

    • (c) Request that the Senate votes to revoke accreditation for the club.

      • (i) If, after two probationary terms, a club has not been established, the Club Support committee will request that the Senate vote to dissolve the club. If the Senate chooses not to dissolve the club, it is to be automatically established at that point.
  • SECTION 11. The Senate shall have the power to revoke the accreditation of a club by a supermajority vote of two-thirds under any of the following conditions:

    • (a) If a club fails to follow any of the mandates and prohibitions stated in these bylaws. This may be appealed to the Union Judiciary.

    • (b) If a club is shown to have been dishonest or purposefully misleading during their accreditation process. This may be appealed to the Union Judiciary.

    • (c) If a club fails to follow their constitutional purpose to the best of their abilities given their resources and extenuating circumstances. This may be appealed to the Union Judiciary.

    • (d) If the club is probationary, and if the Club Support Committee requests a vote on the club's dissolution. This may be appealed to the Union Judiciary.

  • SECTION 12. There shall exist Student Production Services (SPS). SPS shall provide Brandeis University and Student Union-Accredited Clubs with lighting and sound equipment and the technicians required to operate said equipment at any event upon request by the event or club, based on staff and equipment availability. SPS shall be a free service to all undergraduate clubs of Brandeis University. SPS employed members are salaried by Brandeis University through the Department of Student Activities and the purchasing budget is provided by the Student Union Allocations Board.

    • (a) Coordinator

      • (i) The leader of SPS is known as the coordinator. There can be multiple coordinators as deemed fit by the current coordinator in conjunction with Student Activities.

      • (ii) The coordinator(s) has the primary task of organizing SPS. Their duties include:

        • (1) Being the main contact from SPS with contracting groups.

        • (2) Talking with groups to discover their needs and helping SPS to do their best to provide for these needs.

        • (3) Assigning technicians to events.

        • (4) Repairing broken equipment in a timely manner (either personally or through an outside company).

        • (5) Provide training for new and existing members in SPS's equipment.

        • (6) Being the main supervisor for SPS events.

      • (iii) The coordinator can assign captains to events at their discretion. These captains will take over all the coordinator's duties for the duration of the event. The coordinator will be in charge of requesting funding through the Union Treasurer to the Allocations Board and maintaining SPS's budget. SPS will receive a budget of at least $4,000 per year from the Student Union Allocations Board with the ability to request for additional funding at the discretion of the coordinator through the Treasurer. Additional funding should be used for emergency situations and large purchases that may include but are not limited to new equipment and broken equipment. The Union Allocations Board will oversee how SPS's funding is being spent. SPS's budget should comply with the funding scopes of the Allocations Board.

    • (b) Advisor

      • (i) SPS will have an advisor from the Department of Student Activities.

      • (ii) This advisor will serve as a liaison between the Department of Student Activities and SPS.

      • (iii) The coordinator will have at least bi-weekly meetings to discuss SPS, its current issues, successes, upcoming events, etc.

    • (c) Technicians

      • (i) Technicians are those selected by the coordinator(s) to be a part of the core team of SPS.

      • (ii) The coordinator(s) is also a technician of SPS.

      • (iii) Technicians are trained members of SPS with time to work multiple events per semester.

      • (iv) They are salaried by the Department of Student Activities.

      • (v) All technicians must be approved by the Department of Student Activities before they are hired.

    • (d) Selection of Coordinator

      • (i) Coordinators will be selected as needed.

        • (1) There is no term of office for coordinators.

        • (2) A current coordinator can decide that they wants to hire a second coordinator.

        • (3) Selection of coordinators may be necessary for a number of reasons, including but not limited to: decreased time available for SPS, going abroad, taking a semester off, etc.

        • (4) The current coordinator(s), with help from the Student Activities, will select the new coordinator.

      • (ii) There is no official selection process for a new coordinator, although it is suggested the following process is followed:

        • (1) An email is sent out to all the SPS technicians saying a position has become available

        • (2) All technicians will have time to express interest.

        • (3) Once the allotted time has expired the coordinator(s) with the Student Activities advisor will interview all candidates and decide on a new coordinator within the pool of applicants.

        • (4) Due to the knowledge required, new coordinators may only be selected from currently employed technicians.

        • (5) Coordinators must be approved by the Department of Student Activities before taking the position.

    • (e) How to Book SPS

      • (i) In order to request that SPS provide support for an event, a member of the event's planning committee or club's E-Board must submit a request at least two weeks prior to the event to the coordinator(s) through email or through the online submission form available through the Student Activities website.

      • (ii) The request must contain the following information at minimum:

        • (1) Contact Information (email, phone number, club name)

        • (2) Date and Time

        • (3) Requirements for event (Type of event, number of performers, name of DJ, etc.)

      • (iii) Due to time, equipment, technician restraints, or untimely submission, the coordinator reserves the right to decline service to clubs based on a first-come first-serve basis with priority given to undergraduate clubs and clubs then to all other Brandeis groups.

      • (iv) If multiple events are received in the same day, priority first goes to undergraduate clubs, followed by university clubs.

      • (v) Student Union will be considered a club with all rights and privileges associated with that title.

      • (vi) SPS does not work events for off-campus groups or groups unrecognized by Brandeis University.

  • SECTION 13. All Secured clubs shall register an official “Club Consultant” with the Senate Club Support Committee and the Department of Student Activities.

    • (a) The Club Consultant shall be an employed faculty or full-time staff member at Brandeis University.

    • (b) The Club Consultant shall not be a voting member within a club. Student club leaders hold final authority on all club decisions. Club Consultants shall not hold or wield official authority or influence over club operations, content published by media organizations, nor club financial decisions, unless deemed necessary by the organization.

    • (c) Club leaders shall host a meeting between the club treasurer and Club Consultant at least twice per semester to ensure consistency with financial policies.

    • (d) When deemed necessary by student club leaders, Club Consultants shall be contacted for advice on the following matters:

      • (i) Any leadership or membership issues which arise
      • (ii) Any inter/intra-group conflict
      • (iii) Effectively voicing their concerns to administration and advocating for the club
      • (iv) Third-party perspectives on club functions and operations
      • (v) Networking with other universities and off-campus organizations
      • (vi) Any additional club-related issues that arise
    • (e) Club leaders shall specify the roles and responsibilities of their respective consultants in a formal contract to be re-evaluated yearly. These roles and responsibilities shall fall within the constraints of parts (a) through (d)

    Section 14 Chartered Clubs

    -(a)Chartered Clubs shall maintain ten active members each academic year to remain chartered. Failure to maintain ten active members shall result in that club being placed on probationary chartered status. During probationary chartered status, the club is bound by stipulations set out in Section 10 of these Bylaws.

(i) The definition of an active member shall be determined by a club’s constitution


  • SECTION 1. Funding requests to the Senate must meet certain conditions:

    • (a) The request for funding must be submitted at the Senate meeting prior to the meeting at which the vote shall be taken. If the Senate determines that an emergency exists, it may by a 2/3 vote suspend this rule and allow the funding request to be voted on at the first meeting.

    • (b) Voting on the funding will require a simple majority to pass.

    • (c) The Senate is allowed to change the dollar value of the request, and this will not require any additional meetings to vote on the entire measure.

    • (d) A reimbursement or preauthorization check relating to an event must be requested no later than the date submitted on the Senate Money Resolution. If funds are not requested within two weeks of the event the Senate Money Resolution becomes null and void, and the Senate shall have no obligation to pass a similar money resolution.

    • (e) For money resolutions not relating to an event, a timeline must be presented with the request. If two weeks pass after the money should have been requested, as dictated by the timeline, the Senate Money Resolution shall become null and void, and the Senate shall have no obligation to pass any similar money resolution. Prior to submission, all Senate Money Resolutions must be accompanied by proof of cost for the items to be purchased or services to be obtained. This rule can be overridden by a majority vote of present members.

    • (f) Prior to the disbursement of any funds resulting from a Senate Money Resolution, the Treasurer must be provided with proof of cost for the items purchased or services obtained.

    • (g) The Senate Money Resolution must contain exact values of funds for each item that will be requested. Aggregate or estimated values are not permitted.

    • (h) Resolution differs significantly from projected cost, the Treasurer shall make a report of the discrepancy to the Senate at the next regular meeting.

    • (i) Only Union Officers, University Committees, and Senate Committees are permitted to submit Senate Money Resolutions.

    • (j) All Senate Money Resolutions must be used for Student Union Government projects and/or operations.

  • SECTION 2. All money left in the Senate discretionary budget at the end of each and every fiscal semester shall be reallocated to the following fiscal semester's Senate discretionary. When these funds are discovered and appropriately calculated, the Union Treasurer must submit an outline of said values to the Union Senate to be approved and officially transferred. The Senate must make every attempt to allocate unspent money and/or spend all money in their budget and reserves the right to reallocate to subsequent budgets only as a last resort.

  • SECTION 3. The Union Treasurer shall set a date at the penultimate Senate meeting of each semester by which all allocated funds from the Senate Discretionary must be requested from the Treasurer by its recipients. Unless a deadline is set by the Senate on the specific Senate Money Resolution, all Senate Discretionary allocations remaining unclaimed by the recipients after this date shall be considered unspent for the semester.

  • SECTION 4. All financial allocations from the Executive Office discretionary budget during any given week shall be reported to the Senate at the following Senate meeting.


  • SECTION 1. At least ten academic days prior to the start of balloting, the Chief of Elections shall communicate to the Union the timeline for elections and shall promulgate the rules and procedures for that election period. At the start of balloting, the Chief of Elections shall communicate to the Union the commencement of an election and shall promulgate appropriate voting instructions.

  • SECTION 2. Candidates for office must attend a mandatory candidates meeting and indicate their intent to run for office in accordance with the rules set by the Chief of Elections.

    • (a) Candidates who cannot attend the mandatory candidates meeting may make alternative arrangements at the discretion of the Chief of Elections.

    • (b) Candidacies are not valid until accepted by the Chief of Elections.

  • SECTION 3. Candidates shall be allowed to campaign for at least four academic days prior to the start of balloting.

  • SECTION 4. Candidates must abide by the following "fair elections" rules:

    • (a) No money may be spent on a campaign by a candidate or their supporters.

    • (b) No libelous or slanderous statements may be made by a candidate or their supporters.

    • (c) No vote may be obtained through a mobile voting station operated by a candidate or their supporters.

      • (i) A mobile voting station shall be defined as any portable device with access to the Student Union voting system.

      • (ii) Elections Commissioners may be permitted to operate mobile voting stations during balloting at the discretion of the Chief of Elections.

  • SECTION 5. Failure to observe the provisions of this article or any other provision of the Student Union Constitution and these Bylaws may result in forfeiture of candidacy at the discretion of the Chief of Elections.

  • SECTION 6. Should a candidate be disqualified during balloting, the election shall be voided and a new election for that position shall be held. Should a candidate be disqualified after balloting has been completed, a new election for that position shall be held if the disqualification affects the outcome of the ballot.

  • SECTION 7. The Chief of Elections and all Elections Commissioners shall not:

    • (a) Release any information pertaining to ongoing elections results, including vote tallies, to parties not involved in overseeing the Election.

    • (b) Provide any advantages to one candidate over another candidate.

  • SECTION 8. In the event of no demonstrated interest among constituents of a certain residential area to hold office as a Senator, the Student Union can hold a special election open to the entire undergraduate student body to fill any empty positions.

    • (a) No demonstrated interested is determined by failure to elect a senator for one or more positions in the first round of elections.

    • (b) If a senator is elected under these circumstances, they will be known as a "Community Senator" and represent areas without an elected Senator.

    • (c) This kind of special election can be called by consensus between the Student Union President and the Chief of Elections.

    • (d) Community Senator candidates will be clumped together into a general pool to be voted on by the unrepresented areas.

    • (e) The candidate(s) with the highest amount of votes that align with the number of unfilled spots will be elected as Community Senator(s).

    • (f) The number of spots open for Community Senators is equal to the number of unfilled quad senator positions.

  • SECTION 9. Election of Previously Recalled, Impeached, or Removed Union Members:

    • (a) No individual who has been recalled, impeached, or removed from office for any reason shall be eligible to campaign for or be appointed to any Union position for a minimum of one (1) academic year.

    • (b) No individual who has resigned from office after a petition mandating a recall vote for that individual has been certified by the Secretary (as per Article X, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution) or after the Senate has officially announced a motion to impeach or remove that individual at a meeting (as per Article X, Section 2, Clause 2 and Section 3 of the Constitution) shall be eligible to campaign for or be appointed to any Union position for a minimum of one (1) academic year.


  • SECTION 1. As a member of the Brandeis Undergraduate Student Union, one hereby agrees to abide by the following provisions of this Code of Conduct:

    • (a) Members shall adhere to their prescribed duties as outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws.

    • (b)Members shall act in the best interest of the student body and the Student Union at all times. They shall make every reasonable attempt to perform their assigned duties, and act sincerely, with a sincere intention to deal fairly with others at all times.

    • (c) Members shall be forthright, honest, and transparent in their communications with their constituents. They shall never knowingly misrepresent the truth in their capacity as a representative of the Union. If a member later discovers they had misrepresented the truth, they must correct their error in the same capacity they misrepresented the truth.

    • (d) Members shall conduct themselves in a professional manner when interacting as a representative of the Student Union and/or Brandeis University.

    • (e) Members shall maintain respect for the University, its employees, their fellow students, Union members, and themselves.

    • (f) Members shall refrain from libel, slander, or any public personal attacks at all times.

    • (g) Members are prohibited from bestowing favors, making undue use or influence of powers of office, or offer special considerations of any kind in exchange for anything of material or intrinsic value.

    • (h) Members shall refrain from unfairly obstructing other member’s free expression and access to platforms for expression outside meetings (social media, print media, etc.)

    • (i) Members shall make every effort to communicate across branches, and shall attend all required Union meetings/Union-sponsored events.

    • (j) Members are prohibited from misusing, mismanaging, or misappropriating their position and/or equipment, facilities, or funds of the Union.

    • (k) The secretary shall ensure that all members of the Student Union sign the Union Oath of Office (in addition to any verbal/ceremonial oath). This signature shall be kept as a public record of their acknowledgement of their responsibilities to the Union and to their Constituents.

  • SECTION 2. Failure to uphold these standards shall grant any Union Officer the right to submit a request to the Senate (in accordance with Article V, Section 3 of these Bylaws) to impose, subject to a 2/3 vote of the Senate,one or more of the following:

    • (a) Revocation of Student Union Office/Romper Room Access/Privileges

    • (b) Referral to the Student Union Chief of Staff

    • (c) Referral to the Student Union Judiciary, and, if necessary, a formal Judiciary case.

    • (d) Referral to the Dean of Students’ office

    • (e) Impeachment

    • (f) Any of the following formal sanctions:

      • (i) Censure - An official public condemnation from the branch leader for violating the rules, policies, and procedures of the Union and/or branch. A censure has no formal penalty other than simply stating a violation has occurred.

      • (ii) Temporary Removal From Meetings - a member may be temporarily removed from an official meeting at the discretion of ⅔ of the branch membership. This vote may only be overturned by the Branch leader. A ⅔ majority vote of the branch must also take place in order for this removal to be overturned. The length of a single suspension shall be no more than two meetings.

      • (iii) Expulsion from a Specific Office - If an individual is serving in an additional appointed capacity, they may be dismissed from their duties by their respective branch head. They will retain the right to serve as a elected member pending the possibility of an official impeachment vote. Individuals elected within a Union branch (ex. Executive Senator or Allocations Board Chairperson) may be removed by a ⅔ vote of the branch membership.

  • SECTION 3. The following Oath of Office shall be administered to all new members at the beginning of their respective terms: “I (name of Union member) do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully perform the duties of the office to which I have been elected; That I will abide by the Student Union Constitution, By-Laws, Code of Conduct, and mission of the Student Union; That I will work tirelessly to hear the unheard, be a voice for my constituents, and be a changemaker for good and for justice; And that I will forever strive for a better Union, a better Brandeis, and a better community for all.”


  • SECTION 1. Any and all legislation amending these Bylaws shall, prior to any vote of the Senate, be submitted for study to the Senate Committee on the Bylaws, which shall act pursuant to Section 6, Article VI of these Bylaws.

  • SECTION 2. The Senate may, by a two-thirds vote, amend these Bylaws.

  • SECTION 3. The Senate shall not introduce and vote on legislation amending these Bylaws within the course of one meeting of the Senate unless the Senate suspends normal procedural rules.

  • SECTION 4. Upon the enactment of any bill containing an amendment to these Bylaws, and in a timely manner, the Chair of the Rules Committee shall update the Github Bylaws repository reflecting any and all amendments duly enacted by the Senate.


A Repository for the Bylaws of the Brandeis University Undergraduate Student Union and Maintained by its Rules Committee