RuiRomano / tmdl-devops

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is TMDL?

A human readable Tabular Model Definition Language using a YAML-like syntax. Each tabular metadata object has a textual representation with minimal delimiters. Indentation is used to indicate parent-child relationships between objects.

Learn more here:

Convert PBIX into TMDL using Tabular Editor

Install latest version of Tabular Editor

Enable TMDL Serialization mode in Tabular Editor Preferences:


Open PBIX in Power BI Desktop and open Tabular Editor External tool:


Save as Folder to save the model definition into TMDL Format:


Navigate to the folder and your model should be serialized using TMDL format:


Deploy TMDL using pbi-tools

You can use pbi-tools to deploy a dataset using TMDL to a Power BI Premium Workspace.

You must create a .pbixproj.json deployment manifest and configure:

  • A service principal that will execute the deployment (learn more here)
  • Reference to the TMDL folder ('source' property)
  • Workspace environments (Dev, PRD,...)
  • Deployment options like parameters, display names, etc

To deploy TMDL you just need to run the following cmdline:

pbi-tools deploy . Datasets Development


Github Actions / DevOps

If you want to automate the deployment everytime, its possible to use GitHub Workflows or Azure DevOps Pipelines to run pbi-tools as a docker image.

This repo includes a sample GitHub Workflow that deploys TMDL to a Premium Workspace everytime there is a PullRequest into Main: deploy.yml


Sample pipeline for Azure DevOps Pipelines: azure-pipelines.yml

Deploy TMDL using Powershell

See the following repo with an example on how to publish an serialize into TMDL using Powershell:


License:MIT License